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Fandom/Song/Artist: HR/SNAPE "Surrender" by Evanescence
Vidded by: Yusagi Link to vidpage:
YouTube Details: Footage from ?? :: 3mins25seconds :: ??MB :: WMV :: Notes: ??
Summary: Hermione/Severus music video. Alright, it's based like this, the both of them are denying their feelings. At first, Hermione starts chasing him, kind of like a stalker, then he turns it around on her, and starts chasing her instead. By the end, they pretty much figure each other out. A true fanflick! :P
Feedback appreciated!
Recc'ed by:
RuddyDuck: "Oo, very well done. Love it. I really wish though that we could see Hermione sprinting down that Great Hall to launch herself at Snape. That would be so nice. *sigh* Oh well, we can dream, can't we? lol. Love this one as well. Thanks for sharing!"
Heather413: "Well done, very impressed! Song fit in perfect!"
Clarinet101: "Very nice! You made the story go along very well with the music as well!"