Okay, let me dig up my notes. Tl;dr I hated Asylum and loved Dinos, but probably not for the same reasons as other reviews I've seen. There are spoilers through these reviews.
So, the first mistake was continuing that asinine plot from season six of the Doctor continuing to 'disappear'. If this isn't a plot of Omega or something to GET him, it's one of the dumbest and most backward plot arcs the show has ever had. Worse even than River's--which is part of this plot anyway. That turned me off immediately. Then Skaro! Skaro which should be destroyed and blown up three times over...still in one piece. Not even Time Locked. Now you're just being offensive, head writers. The only thing being kept in now by that lock are the Time Lords themselves...and no, End of Time alone is not enough for me to be okay with that.
Next, I could go on and on and on about this, so I won't: Those were not Daleks. Nothing about them was remotely Dalek-like. Cybermen? Maybe. Daleks? NO. The show even accidentally alludes to this by having them scared to go down to the planet (HAH) and then the Doctor says "Hold on to that fear, fear isn't Dalek". By the end of the episode they're even less Dalek, and really more Borg-on-wheels. Especially when they forget who their defining enemy is. I won't speak of the human form Daleks. They should not be spoken of. It is an insult to the Dalek race to even contemplate them (so go ahead and contemplate away, actually. I just don't want to waste my time detailing the ways the Daleks would never use them).
Though, really, they were asking for it when they changed his name to something stupid like the Predator.
As an aside though, something Moffat does which really grates on me: THE DOCTOR IS NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. All bad things do not happen because of him. Bad guys do not do all of their horrific things just because they're scared of him. They will continue to terrorize the universe and be as strong as they need to be to terrorize or destroy it. The Doctor is not a hunter, he's a force of nature who shows up and screws with their plans sometimes. NOW DROP IT.
Amy and Rory's divorce. ANOTHER thing that had me hating the episode from the start. It's been discussed, I like Rory/Amy and Rory and that's about it from the Ponds. Randomly breaking them up? Not cool. Nor is slapping Rory repeatedly. Why? No reason, she just does. Then they get into the argument (in which Rory is not a Nice Guy. Use some context there, he's just trying to save her life) and the big reveal? Amy can't get pregnant! Ignoring for the moment that Rory has never been all that hung up on children, it irritates me that once again does Amy get any choices in her life? No. She can't just be traumatized by losing her baby (what baby!) and not be able to handle more, she has to have her body physically damaged so that she can't have more (why even? Why would they even bother?). She has no lingering psychological damage from this, she apparently has no preference on children, she just. Isn't allowed to. Nice move, Moffat. And then she tries to compare throwing him out instead of talking things over to waiting 2,000 years without going insane. No Amy, there's no comparison. Don't even try.
The Doctor continues to be a douchebag who makes everyone's life decisions for them, and the carrying Amy scene is so depressingly anti-climactic. It couldn't have been less dramatic if circus music were playing. I'm sad about that, because it could have been a great moment, but no. Just another Doctor-y pun.
So! Oswin. I was completely neutral on her in the episode. Partly because I knew she was a Dalek the whole time (Thanks, Youtube and Livejournal spoilers two hours after it aired!) and she fit well with the type of woman who shows up and flirts and dies by the end of the episode (see: Rita). Still, while I knew she'd be converted in some way already, when the reveal came I still found it moving. So yes. I cared nothing at all about Oswin until I saw the sheer strength of will and fortitude of character she had. To resist the conversion to the point where even as a full Dalek she has to be locked up and retains full self-identity and individuality? That's amazing and tragic.
I actually did enjoy the make up scene between Rory and Amy even though it was stupid, because I love Rory/Amy, okay? I can easily get with the emotional connection there. Furthermore, while Rory was being a bit of a wuss the whole episode, he was snarky and sassy and wonderful all the same. He remains a highlight of wonderfulness.
I'm not gonna comment on the part of the episode that alludes to the future of the series in this review, because not everyone knows it. I didn't, until I read reviews that mentioned it. I will say though, Asylum of the Daleks had some distinct plot elements from I Am A Dalek, and was clearly a rehashing of CAL from the library. (And the bracelets from Let's Kill Hitler) It's a Moffat plot, no one is surprised.
Okay, let's go linear or I'll repeat myself and get confused.
This episode does not start much better than Asylum, because here we go again with the Doctor being OMG SO DESIRABLE. Casanova only wishes he had the skills to woo an Egyptian queen. And then he takes her along, because that makes sense, and his psychic paper makes a ridiculous noise, because the Doctor has forgotten he has cellphones everywhere that people can call instead.
Unlike Asylum, it quickly rectified itself by the introduction of Indiana Riddell, who is basically amazing. If he could only be the next companion...and then Brian! Who is also incredibly charming and adorable. Rory and Amy are amusing in this scene as well, and seriously how much time would he have lost to just land normally? Rude.
I really dug the gazillion companions move with this one, though, and unlike Journey's End there wasn't a super overwhelming force to distract from companion interaction. Now excuse me while I sob over the missed opportunity of having them here instead. I continue to be strongly distressed at the prospect of the Doctor running around most of the time alone. This is bad. This is not good. This is something that should be constantly avoided. If the Ponds are done traveling consistently then bring in the next companion, because the Doctor has no business traveling places on his own. He cannot handle it anymore.
Rory, Riddell, and Brian are incredible this episode. I love them all. The Doctor is just a little bit ridiculous in it. "Oh, dinosaurs are so rare and need to be preserved!" No, they're predators who would throw off the entire ecosystem right now, or be killed by people defending themselves, and you're stuck on a space ship with them scheduled to be exploded. Do you know what happens to people who go up against dinosaurs and the like and say "WE CANNOT KILL THE PRECIOUS"? They get eaten. Shoot them down.
Amy. I don't know what to do with her this episode. I am just so tired of her. Seriously, three years of traveling (with massive breaks) and you think it's okay to high five a historical figure you meet? You're also still idolizing an Egyptian queen? Did you never land in Ancient Egypt and see the crap they did? Because she just told you she killed people for petty reasons. But no! The man who shoots big game on the plains, he's the one to be talked down to! And the whole...pretending to be Doctor thing. I know the other companions do it, but Amy you are so cringe-worthy about it. Rose got cringe-worthy in places of Turn Left, but for the most part acting the part of the Doctor just means being competent and taking the lead, not acting like a clown. Nor do we admit to pretending to be the Doctor (thus where Rose got cringe-inducing in Turn Left), we just do our jobs and PUSHING BUTTONS REALLY? That's the worst advice. I don't even.
Now, those robots are just so adorable, and Rory is back to being amazing, glaring and growling the robots into submission fearlessly. I don't know what Moffat was doing with him in Asylum, but this is Rory. Also, they ignore the divorce and things like the Doctor being a legend throughout time, so I have to assume Chris was like "Screw it, ignoring Moffat's stuff!" I'm okay with that. Continue to do that, script writers!
Solomon was fun, too. Evil, but he had a sense of humor and was kind of believably human, if a little bit far-fetched. And yeah, he got exactly what was coming to him. Don't ever mistake the Doctor as being weak or 'nice'. He kills. He does it most every episode, if you're paying attention. Just ask Lady Cassandra.
Riding the triceratops was pointless. They lost as much time as they gained, and it was all awkward CGI/animatronics something. It was one of those blatantly pandering to the kids in the audience moments that tend to make me uncomfortable, because it comes off like Aliens in London. No one wants that.
Riddell flirting with Amy and Nefi is adorable. As far as Amy's flirting goes it's harmless at least, which makes it fun. Solomon grabbing Nefi was predictable, but at least the whole episode wasn't equally predictable like Asylum was (because it actually has a plot!)
Now, I know that you are hung up on Amy, Doctor, but stop calling everyone around her 'Pond'. It's Brian Williams. Amy's dad is Augustus Pond, who is not nearly as awesome or cool as Brian Williams. Stop insulting people by making them only relevant by their relation to Amy. Rory, fine, I can see how you'd go either way since they're married, but Brian is not married to her. Brian doesn't even seem to know her that well, he's his own person. Are you going to call your next companion Pond? Do you call River "River Pond"? Not everyone important in the world needs be Pond-y. LET IT GO.
And then Amy proves once again she has no concept of the actual Doctor, just the Raggedy Man she made up as a child and the legend she sees around him while traveling with him. Much like her daughter in that way. Any companion would know you do not remind the Doctor that he is most likely going to outlive you. Maybe that's why he keeps dropping you off and not picking you back up, you keep on constantly reminding him you will one day die and he won't.
Also, who's taking bets on what Moffat will make her next? Stripper? Exotic dancer?
And here we see that honestly, through this whole episode, you can tell they're about done with their tenure. Not because the Doctor keeps dropping them off and they keep letting him, but because they're too competent. The Doctor wasn't even really necessary except as some technical expertise. They could have gone through this space ship themselves with Riddell and Nefi and Brian and ended up similar enough. Companions who are ready to do the Doctor's job on their own...it's time for them to go off and do that, pretty much.
Anyway, we see now where River gets her shootiness from. Amy/Riddell versus the dinosaurs is like a cooler version of River/Doctor versus the Silents, wherein both halves are actually doing something, instead of bickering.
AND THEN BRIAN GOES AND BECOMES A PROPER COMPANION AND IT'S ADORABLE. And he's right about the fitting. Because he's the second best parent in the show, and also the second best grandparent (who apparently doesn't know he's one).
And I am amused by Nefi being there. I would kind of preferred to have her 'disappear' by going down with the ship, but there's enough tragedy for this season yet, so I can tolerate the idea of her wanting to leave her husband for someone else, and abandoning life as a queen for living on the plains.
So this was a riff on Snakes on a Plane, next time will be Cowboys and Aliens.
So! The weak points!
The triceratops. No. Just no. I presume it was trained by the Silurians, but I found it neither funny nor cute. I just basically wanted it off my screen, and the awkward strain on my suspension of disbelief removed from my sight. Thus, I didn't really care when Solomon shot it...but I was aware what a loltastic mistake he made. I mean...it's kind of sad, but if he'd shot Brian or Rory instead he would actually have been less screwed in the end. But no, you go for the Doctor's heartstrings and he will blow you up.
The ISA was just kind of there. Where is UNIT and Torchwood? Shouldn't they be dealing with this sort of thing? I was just very 'eh' about it over all. Nor could I quite decide if it was offensive or not.
Here's a thought: Can we never have any other women jump all over the Doctor this lifetime? Awesome. And make up our mind over whether the Doctor is important or not in history.
The liveplurk of it:
and in the first thirty seconds I once again /eyeroll
because Queen Nefertiti, really? We're still not done with 'Most Eligible Not-Bachelor' then
And idiotic noise from his psychic paper! Because people took it so well when RTD had the TARDIS make silly noises~
apparently the psychic paper is his cellphone now, its not like he has three or four phones on him he used to use
Clearly not alien enough!
Ignoring for the moment she's another woman who fancies the Doctor
it WOULD be cool
to have a historical figure as a companion
"This is Galileo!" "REALLY?" but then they'd steal his spotlight. Can't have that.
that Lestrade's actor? I don't know, but he should be the next companion.
I would love to see him as the next companion
See how neither if these are 21st century 20-something pretty girls from London?
And now you've kidnapped a mother AND a father, Doctor.
Five companions. Also good.
Five companions could be awesome, especially if it has Rory and his dad
Poor Eleven has a memory leak
he's getting more unobservant and unintelligent by the year
I like him! (Indiana)
Such a liar Doctor
I can't count the ways "I've never really had a gang before--it's new" is a lie
But yep Amy
10 months, you are no longer a steady companion
you are an ex-companion
But Rory
Rory is as snarky and wonderful as always so far
"Um..." "Rrrruuuun?"
This is why we wear chucks to adventure, Doctor.
No slippage
"I can take one of them" HAH.
But seriously, Wholock Tumblrs must LOVE this episode
I'm with Indiana Jones, Doctor. "We must not kill the dinos" never ends well
Rory's expression when he remembers his dad is there
I kind of ship Brian/Jackie. And it's probably been canon at some point.
Rory you got your sense of fashion from your father
Stop talking nonsense, Doctor.
Brian is really into this display
Brian can be the damsel in distress
Well now I know where Rory gets his rantyness
"Did you just have that on you?" "Course! What sort of a man doesn't have a trough(trowel?)?"
Rory is 31! And looks lovely at it.
Doctor you've just spawned about a thousand "My Grown Up Christmas List" videos
Amy, seriously? High five? Do you do this with all the historical figures you meet?
Also are you wearing Rory's shirt?
T-Rexes are herbivores
Try not to die, Indy, I don't know what I am going to do with your half of the party without you.
"You clearly have some disturbing gaps in your education!"
Yeaahh, no Amy
Amy, the Pharoahs weren't exactly saints. She just told you she killed people for talking badly to her
That's a little more disdainful than hunting big game, which are rarely defenseless :|
Yes you are, Amy
A drama queen
"I have literally no idea what he is saying" /pats Brian
And there's Rory, explaining things.
So just teleport out
"Are those pterodactyls?" "Yes. On any other occasion, I'd be thrilled. Exposed on a beach? Less than thrilled."
It's okay guys, it's just Myfanwy and her friend(s)
before she falls through a rift!
Thank you, Rory
AND WHY is it burned out :|
ahaha you go Brian
"Spelling it out is hereditary, wonderful!"
That explains River
"Whenever you enter somewhere new, press buttons!" That is the WORST advice
Possibly actually the same scientist who should be in stasis right now :|
oh rite
"You're not gonna kill us, are ya, Rusty?" No, but Moffat may.
ahaha, oh Rory and his epic facepalm
Rory is just walking along calm as ever.
"Take us to your leader!" "Really?" "Too good to resist."
Indy and Nefi are busy flirting
oh no, Amy dear.
Don't pretend to be the Doctor
I foresee only disaster
It's basically ALWAYS disaster when someone does it, but. seriously. don't. :|
Come on, man, you can totally be Davros.
...Rory is totally glaring down two armed men-slash-robots.
I continue to adore him.
BLAST I've run into another section where someone randomly spoiled the ending.
Incidentally Rory is a nurse
Rory you carry a syringe of novocaine?
Nurses always lie about needles
An episode with just Rory and Brian wandering through this space ship
I would totally watch
"Your phone's ringing...in space?" "You get used to it." to robots "I have to take this. The wife!"
apparently not divorced any longer
Also Rory is back to being his fearless self
And the robot totally just took a step back there.
...Why would he not exist? I mean
it would make sense pre-Moffatwho
that Time Lords aren't really known, but with him being OMG WELL KNOWN
it makes no sense he's not known anywhere in 23-something
Whatever, we'll pretend this episode ignores the rest of Moffatwho, which I'm just fine with.
"I feel like you're judging me"
Genocidal pirate, but he has a sense of humor.
Not every Whovillain does.
"We definitely used to be faster"
ah these bots
Though so far there wasn't really a point to riding the dinosaur
they could have gotten away without it considering how much time they lost just getting it to move at all
Can't he speak every language?
Shouldn't he be able to just communicate with it?
Let's just
get away from the triceratops and not come back to it
its scenes have been the weakest so far
Indy stop flirting with the Pharoah's wife
An ancient species still full of hope CONSTANTLY trying to kill everyone
follow this up with the TARDIS
I mean if it's Nefi I get it
oh okay, I figured it was her a soon as he said 'scanned' but y'know
he kept saying it :|
which makes no sense, NEFI IS A SHE
And now this makes LESS sense
why is someone who is basically legend now in the database but someone who died three hundred years ago missing?
we're ignoring Moffatwho
moving on
really Solomon you basically
picked the worst target in the room
Really Eleven at this point I'm half sure you're faking being this forgetful
"I'm not a Pond." No, no you're not. You're fantabulous.
The Ponds are just kind of weird.
lol Rory
He is not amused by your bad puns Doctor
"Principal's the same as any vehicle"
Vehicles are not all the same
"You'll be there til the end of me!" "Or vice versa!"
Really, Amy
Things We Do Not Say
"You know what I want more than anything?" "Lessons in gender politics?"
Basically stick Riddell with anyone and he's amazing
That would be an awesome match up
Also Riddell and Jack
need to meet
The walking innuendo and the captain of the innuendo squad pretty much have to :|
"Dinosaurs ahead, a lady at my side, about to be blown up...not sure I've ever been happier." "Shut up and shoot >3"
see even she's flirting with him
This would be an excellent video game level
you could play Amy, Rory, or the Doctor and have three distinct adventures here
Well we see where River gets it
Aw, Doctor. You too can sense these are companions at the end of their time
they're too self-sufficient now
Brian you are adorable, I wish you'd just go ahead and be the new companion
And I assume that's
when Nefi 'vanishes' from history
And next time, Cowboys and Cyborgs
Actually Cyborgs and Cowboys sounds better.