Doctor Who video - Pieces (Master/Rose AU PG-13)

Jun 14, 2012 11:29

Title: Pieces
Vidder: darkbunnyrabbit
Song Title/Band: Pieces, by Linkin Park
Rating: PG-13 (There's one or two sexual references)
Series: Doctor Who
Summary: Spoilers for seasons three and four.

AU assuming for whatever reason there is no Doctor. Rose takes the place of Lucy, first falling for and following the Master faithfully, but over the year slowly realizing just how horrifying he's made Earth. Their relationship is more mutually caustic than Master/Lucy.

The POV is mostly Rose's, but like the relationship, they play a little bit of tug of war over it. It's also not entirely linear, but the plot should still be clear. Their relationship has the both of them so entwined with each other, neither one of them can really let go, even if they want to, and they both will suffer if they do.

Of note: Rose is often dolled up because it's more becoming of the Wife of the Master of the Earth, and she freely moves between the Valiant and Earth.

Link: here

rose/master, rose tyler, vid, the master, doctor who

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