dead in the water

Jan 08, 2004 16:28

yes today was wrought with tragedies... first the camera doesnt work no problem get some new batteries well that took 2 hours in the weather then the camera was fine and well . wait its not over ...go to hook up the cam to the compute then the lovely mac computer voice which sounds like HAL(2001space oddysey) tells me politely the camera is not connected ..hmmm the firewire is connected to the appropriate ports..the camera says its ready...shit! so after running norton disk doctor or another hour or so... nothing works. then i jump on lists and figure out it is only my firewire cable is dead but nothing is open to replace it!!! cause of the weather fucken curse ye gods!!!! also the graphics guy's computer roached on him totally wont even reset or turn on G4 quicksilver gone plus i get to work on saturday taking pics of some guys coffee maker invention that the owner of the company asked me to help with not that i'm busy or aany thing... Why am i smiling you ask because while upon finding out that the camera was having trouble the owner turns to me and ask whats the newest thing out there ??? i look at him and reply well there is the kodak dcs 14 n 13 megapixel full frame dslr... how much is that he asks... ummm i think its around 4900$ well why dont we get that ... then i stammered well i havent needed it the fuji has been doing so well till now. then those glorious words spilled from his mouth well then we should go get that one tommorrow.. i take it back ye gods your alright in my book... i think i like working for rich people and their bottomless wallets. Now i fret do i want the 14n or do i go for the canon 1ds ?? canon casts more and i would have to replace the lenses... the kodak has issues sweet cam but i worry at least i will have the fuji as a back up... well maybe the day isnt so bad ... come on bob gimme youe input if in my situation what cam would you go for?? i can prolly swing an 8,000$ limit .. who says corporate america wont fund the arts... heh heh heh
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