Aug 21, 2009 18:57

Part the first

101st Night - Jasdero and Devit
“The mountain of keys has disappeared… ! Rabi.”
“Allen, Crowley!!” And she rushes in despite the fact that she’s injured and can’t use her legs.
“…….Move…. Move…! You are my legs…! So move!!” Yeah, she gets captured =(
“Allen!” And he comes to rescue her from her failed rescue attempt.

102nd Night - Bad Game
“LET ME OUT! Let me out of here right now!!”
Devit basically says here that they don’t care what happens so long as they can beat Allen up, so STFU
“You…” Rinali does not stand for this bullshit. She punches him in the face.
“You shouldn’t treat people like toys. It’s as though you’re still kids. Even though we are about the same age…! You’re simply fools trying to look strong! For someone who treats this as a kids game, Allen who knows the importance of life is a lot, lot stronger than you!!” My boyfriend pwns you noobs.
And then Devit pistol whips her…
“He’ll definitely… Get here… It may not look so… But he has a superhuman will power… He will come and beat a kid like you in no time!!” Rabi finds the key, ha!
“The monument is the next door!?”
“No, I’m sorry I got caught.”

103rd Night - An Unruly Child
Rinali somehow got out of the ball… Somehow…
“!!? Their shadows are merging…!” SHOCK!

105th Night - A Stage in Rouge
“Crowley!! Stop… He’s been injured so much. If we don’t go back… Let me go! At this rate we’ll be separated, I don’t want that!!” Will you idiots stop sacrificing yourselves already!?

110th Night - The Dinner Party of the Sheep
“I’m fine, I can walk. But that’s not saying much, since you’re pulling me along, Allen. I can’t exactly be high and mighty about it.”
“Allen. Ever since you came back, you’ve become a little stronger, huh… I… I didn’t think I was this weak. I can’t deal with my innocence, and I’m uneasy and scared. A while ago, I thought of a terrible thing. Earlier, I… thought of… A terrible thing… A terrible “Future”… Don’t…! Don’t think about it! You can’t! Not until your heart can’t fight anymore!! If you don’t… The darkness will take advantage of you. You have to believe. More. More. Be stronger… “I have to keep trying.” Ah! I said it out loud!” Rinali’s horrifying fears of everyone dying but her come back =(
“I-It’s not what you’re thinking! It’s just that as soon as we return, I’ll have to do some basic training…” Rinali refuses to stay this helpless for so long.
“I’ll be fine, even if I don’t sleep, really.”

111th Night - A Rhapsody the Colour of Darkness
“Kanda… Crowley… We left those two behind… That means…” Rinali’s world is falling apart. Luckily Rabi is there.
“That’s right… I made a decision to try my best… Get a hold of yourself Rinali. This isn’t the time to be crying.”
“Allen! Your heart..!?” Allen and Rinali are the two exceptions.
And then Allen threatens to kill Ticky for trying to hurt Rinali. Allen threatens to kill someone. Allen.

112th Night - Poker
*Gets captured AGAIN*
“!!! We’re okay, Rabi! Looks like we’ve just been shut in…”
“Rabi… I’m sorry…”

113th Night - Destructive Sheep
“Rabi!? Rabi, what’s wrong? Answer me. Rabi!! What’s wrong, Rabi!! Rabi!!”

114th Night - Crack Cherry
“Kyaa! Allen? Allen!!!” All Rinali can do is yell her friends names =(
“Don’t come any closer! Don’t… Don’t touch my comrade!!!”

115th Night - Timid Person
“!!! Allen, you can’t let the Noah’s power touch you! It isn’t just your innocence being affected. As a parasitic type, your body suffers the load too, you know!? Allen…?” Rinali’s become a lot more expressive than she was in earlier chapters, now that there’s DRAMATIC ANGST.
“!! No way. His left arm that should’ve been injured is…”
“He recovered his anti-akuma weapon!!?”
“This is…”
“He’s been invaded by Rhode’s ability… Rabi… Keep trying…!!”
“Rhode, what is this? What happened to Allen!?”

116th Night - Critical Point Appears
“Kuh…! I can’t take this… I can’t take this anymore… In a place like this, just… Just to watch my comrades fighting…” Rinali gets sick of just crying and getting captured. She stands up and starts kicking the hell out of their cage. This is unfortunately not very effective, but I think it’s pretty awesome of her.
“Let go of me…” “If you keep going then your legs will become useless! Right now you’re powerless, aren’t you!?” “Even so, I’m an exorcist… I live… For the sake of fighting…” Rinali doesn’t care that she can’t do anything, that’s not the point. She’s going to keep trying. Because she’s hardcore like that.

117th Night - Gentleness and Strength
“What is this feeling… From Allen… What is this… Fearsomely large power I feel?”
“Allen has…! This gentle person, who finds it so painful fighting the Noahs, who are also humans… Slashed a Noah!? Without hesitation…!!” Rinali is playing exposition girl again.

119th Night - Ra Bi
“Chaoji! Hang in there!” Trying to help the injured man despite the candles threatening to kill her to death.

120th Night - Com Ra De
“This is unfair Rhode…! This is… You know that Allen can’t choose…!” She’s more concerned for her friends than she is for herself.
Rinali doesn’t say this, but I think it’s cute. “…Rinali… Her comrades…” “Stop it” “Rinali, who thought of us as more important than even the world, is crying…”

End of chapter questions: Rinali’s favourite food is chocolate cake

121st Night - Me
“Rabi! Rabi, I’m begging you, stop already!! Open your eyes!”
“Allen! Allen! Rabi, stop it! Stop your flames!!”
“Rabi! I’m begging you, Rabi!” bawwww =(
“! The candles… They’re melting from the hiban’s heat… !!!” Allen and Rinali both realise, yay!

122nd Night - Equal
“He’s… Going to suffer his own attack…!!” Stupid self sacrifice =(
Rinali is screaming and punching her legs, distress :’(
“! Allen.”
“Rhode’s barrier… Opened?” Freedom!
“But… Both of them… Rabi… Allen!”
Rinali is still crying. Allen and Rabi aren’t dead, which is yayful, and Rabi starts talking about how even though he hurts and Bookman is probably gonna get mad at him, he feels really good right now. Rinali runs over and punches him. “Idiot!” This is why I love Rinali

123rd Night - Voice of Darkness
“…… Um, Allen… If Rhode has disappeared… Then what about the exit on top of this tower… Wasn’t it created by Rhode’s power…?” Rinali is always the first to realise these things.
“Are you guys gonna be okay, even if the doors still there? …Rabi’s innocence is pretty dangerous after all…” Calmness as everything is being destroyed…
“How’s the bleeding Chaoji?”
“……Allen… Even if the door is there, you’re not going through with us, are you?” “Wow, bulls eye!” “What “bulls eye”!” *Punches him in the face* “Rinali… You’ve somehow become really violent since your legs stopped working…” “SHUT UP!!!”
“It’s so unfair… You’re always smiling like that…”
“But you know I’m sure of this much… If I was in your place, Allen… I would do the same thing. Let’s go home together with everyone…”
“Allen!! AARGH! Damn it! He was dragged under!! Was it Ticky Mick!?”

125th Night - Collapse
“Rabi! Allen..!?”
“Ugh… We can’t… here… Without protecting… A single thing…” *Choked by Ticky’s tentacle things* There’s probably porn of that out there somewhere

126th Night - By Your Side
Rinali tries to kick Ticky in the head. It doesn’t work.
“Cha… Chaoji…!? This feeling…! Innocence!? Innocence is reacting to Chaoji? But where…!?

127th Night - Appears
“Damn… I can’t break through this stuff… Wrapped around my body… Chaoji…!”
“You’re synchronising with an innocence somewhere around here… But… If you go on much longer…! It’s the same as it was with Miranda’s… There’s a huge strain on his body. Probably another equipment type innocence. Your weapon is transforming but the power is uncontrolled! The raw innocence is too powerful for its user! If you keep it activated like this, it will destroy your own body…!!” Exposition girl~
“Those two are…”

128th Night - Two
“General… Cross…” Awesome entry there Cross.
“Whoa… Ehhhhh?” And he throws the Jesus at us! Allen takes over Rinali’s job as exposition girl. Guy. Er…

129th Night
Allen and Rinali are holding hands under Magdala Curtain. It’s cute.
“Rabi… Chaoji…” bawwww :’( Allen agrees

130th Night - Eyes of Hatred
“Aaahh!” Rinali falls of the cliff, just like Rabi and Chaoji did.
“Allen! Blood… Allen?” Allen is not letting anyone else die though, and catches her in a manly rescue~
“N-No! You can’t fight… Your wounds… Allen!” Uh oh, Allen went crazy.
“Allen… Stop…”
“He’s falling…!! Allen!”
“…What exactly are you going to do…?”

131st Night- Shadow of the Musician
“Is the plant still inside the ark?!”
“Allen, behind you!” They’re holding hands again.
“General… Do you know something? About how to control the ark…?” And now they’re hugging. I probably shouldn’t focus on that during this big dramatic moment, but it’s cute!

132nd Night - The Musician
“He had a wireless communicator?! Allen, are you okay? Can you hear me?” Allen starts yelling at Cross not to touch Rinali. lol Cross lol
“This isn’t time to be worrying about me!! Allen!”

133rd Night - Once Everybody Returns
“?! Allen? Allen, are you okay?”
“He knows a lot about the ark…” Rinali is observant of the little details.
“Allen…? The ark stopped breaking down! We heard the sound of a piano… Allen, was that you…?”
“This voice…?!” Rabi’s alive! Yay!
“Rabi… Chaoji…” Rinali falls to the floor, staring blankly.
“Thank goodness…” Tears of joy! Fuck yeah everyone lived!

134th Night - The Ark’s Location
“He’s hurt worse than any of us…”
“Crowley… I’m sorry…” :’(
"You've gotten better at letting your emotions out than you used to be, Rinali... and damn attractive to boot." “I- No- …You’re almost like a phantom, aren’t you General… How long have you actually been here? My brother’s been searching all over for you…”
"But, man… If you were going to turn out this lovely, you should have done it sooner… That hair of yours was beautiful…" "Miss Anita... told me exactly the same thing." They cry over Anita some =(
“No, Allen, you’ve got it all wrong-“ “Honestly…!!” “General!” Oh Cross, tsk tsk
“Stop fighting you two~!” Rinali breaks up their fights a lot
“You mustn’t, General! Please don’t go anywhere!” “She’s so cute I can’t refuse…” “I don’t want to have to hunt for him again…!” This entire chapter is just adorable.
And then they finally get home! I’d just like to point out, they left on the 18th Night.

135th Night - Rest With Occasional Cloud
“Really… You cry far too much, brother!” “But… Rinali, your lovely hair……… The most beautiful hair in the world… It………!!” “Stop saying such embarrassing things!”
“I’m sure you have plenty of work you should be doing, brother… I’ll make sure to bring you some coffee when I’m feeling better!” Rinali does not approve of the lullaby robot
“Sorry for all the noise, Miranda…” “Ahaha, oh, Rinali…” “Wh- What is it?” “It must have been nice for you to see the supervisor again. You look so very happy.” Awwww

137th Night - Foundling Child and Pierrot
“Where’s my brother?! Brother! What do you mean Allen is under supervision!?” Rinali demands to know what is this fuckery.
“In… Spe… C… Tor… Rou… Ve… Lier…” TRAUMA
“Supervisor Reever… That person… Why is he going to be here for a while… Watching over Allen… What is he up to…” ANGST
“Sigh… Looks like Rinali still hasn’t forgiven me… She’s not even showing a single smile.” GEE I WONDER WHY, it’s not like you kidnapped her from her family and tied her to a bed. Damn you Vatican Hitler <.<

138th Night - Yet The Hands Of Time Move Onward
“…..What is it?” “Nothing. Just thought I’d try meditating with you for once.” “It’s Leverrier, huh. You always seem to run over to my place whenever that guys around.” Uh…. I just hate having everyone worry about me. And everyone seems so busy… Ever since we were small, I could be with you and you wouldn’t ask me questions, so it helps me relax. …I’m really just running away, aren’t I… I just can’t take it like this! I have to be stronger… But still! But still… Uuuhhhhhhh……” “You’re breaking my concentration… Although I think you are a pretty strong person.” “Kanda…” “Just shut up and meditate. If you’re not gonna do it, then get out.” “…Okay!” Kanda = best therapist ever. Am I weird for thinking that’s a really cute moment between the two of them?
“The boots have melted…?! My legs… The pattern is fading…”
“What… Did you say…? Brother… Is that true…” Rinali disapproves of the thought of her friends dying early =(

140th Night - Beyond the Door
“!! The fifth…?! But the entire science department is working there right now!”
“Two exorcists… One of them has to be Allen. ! My legs… They feel so light… I suppose it’s because I’m not wearing my Dark Boots… But they don’t hurt at all… Those shoes were always so heavy… It always hurt…” Rushing off to get her boots in case Allen needs a dramatic rescue.
“Rabi! Do you know what floor the elevator is on right now? I have to go and see Hebraska… ! Brother…” *PUNTED*
“!? Wait a minute… Brother?!”
“Let me go and see Hebraska , brother! In my case… If I can synchronise, I might be able to join the battle…!!” Rinali is tired of just sitting around damn it!
“That experiment… The one I saw back then…!! Th- There was an experiment to create exorcists… Wasn’t there..? You had Hebraska… Implant the innocence inside people’s bodies… None of them were compatible users, so they… But I should be able to respond to the innocence…!”
“Hebraska told me that I need to be prepared… I’m sure the innocence is just trying to test me! If I demonstrate my resolve by putting my life on the line, I’m sure I can synchronise! More than that… I know I can! I… As long as… I can protect everyone here… And you as well, brother…” “”I don’t care if I die?” You’re saying as long as it’s for my sake, for everyone’s sake, you’ll throw away your own life? What am I saying…?” “Th- That’s not… I… “I mean, I…” “Brother… I…” “Stay here where it’s safe… I’m begging you… I know… that I can’t run away from this… but… That is why…” “……. Brother…” “I just can’t… Offer you up like that so soon…” BAWWWW

148th Night - Summoned
“Rabi, you’re hurt. Sorry…” Rabi, your protection of Rinali looks a little weird... The head nurse gives Rinali her shoes to avoid broken glass.
“What!? N, No, head nurse, what about you?”
“Head nurse… They’re warm…”
“I was going to right to Hebraska to synchronise with my innocence. So I didn’t bother wearing anything. My feet are so warm. So warm…” Rinali is crying again =( She glomps the head nurse.
“I… I didn’t want my brother to be sad. That’s why I… But what should I do? He was crying… What should I do… I’m sure my words were torturing him… I don’t really think it’s “okay if I die”! I want to live… With him and everyone else… But then I’d have to fight… That’s all I can do. I just don’t want my brother to be sad. I HATE INNOCENCE! WHY DO WE HAVE TO SUFFER LIKE THIS? WHY DO I HAVE TO CAUSE HIM SO MUCH PAIN?” D8

149th Night - That Day, That Girl
Rouvelier busts down the door and comes storming in, bringing up all kinds of angsty traumatic flashbacks for Rinali. Screaming at Rinali to go synchronise with the innocence like she planned ensues, and everyone else in the hospital yells at her not to go with Vatican Hitler. She ignores them all, takes off the shoes and walks out of the hospital room with him, trembling but not looking back. Screw trauma, her friends are in trouble!
“Don’t, matron. Thank you… I…That day when brother came for me… That was when I thought… I can’t run away from this place any more. I stopped running away, back then. I stopped running… And I became an exorcist… He threw out everything for my sake… His future, his freedom… He threw it all away… I imprisoned him here… And so that I can live together with that man who threw away everything but me… I’m so sorry.”

151st Night - To God, Who I Hate So Much
“Brother!! BROTHER!!” bawww
“Bro… Brother…..” Rinali is frozen in shock, so Vatican Hitler decides to throw her to the ground.
“It’s alright. I’ll do my best, Hebraska.” Buuuut they’re shot before Hebraska can do anything.
“HEBRASKA!” Then Rinali smashes her head against a wall.
“Bro… th… Uh… Inno… Ce… N… Ce… Everything is blurry… No good… It’s no good… Please… Please, God I hate so much. Grant me power. For the first time, I want the innocence so much.” She reaches for it, still trying despite the fact that the level 4 is STANDING ON HER HEAD.

152nd Night - Now, Let’s Exchange Our Promises
“For example, when I wake up after a nights sleep, sometimes I would think that everything that’s happened had all been a dream. That things like the Millennium Earl, akuma and exorcists didn’t exist in this world. Everything had simply been a nightmare. I would say with relief, “Ahh, thank goodness. It was just a dream.” I would hear my brother calling me. And there’d be a horrible smell that’s probably breakfast coming from the kitchen. If everything was all a dream… It’s like a joke at the end of those dreary novels you might have read. The readers would definitely be disgruntled. How many thousands of times have I imagined this ridiculous scenario?” Genre savviness~ Rinali is an adorable little girl.
“In… O… Cen… Ce…” The akuma is still standing on her head when Allen comes in with a DRAMATIC RESCUE type death from above. Except he doesn’t kill it. But it’s still cool.
“I’m tired… Of grieving… Already…” Rinali reaches for her innocence. There’s a really adorable flashback of her at various ages saying goodbye and coming home to Komui and the science department.
“I’m no longer the weak little girl who cried in her bed. Because brother and… everyone else came with me. Because of them, I am able to fight off this nightmarish world. Innocence… Please take these feelings and transform them into a strength to protect everybody. If you do that… I will follow you. I will follow you till the day it all ends. Wherever you take me. But… But… Please, at the end… At the end, you must… Promise me you’ll let me return to my brothers side. I’m off then, brother. So, please, for now… Please say “take care”. Because I want to smile and say, “I’m home” again.” I love this speech, it just sums Rinali up as a character beautifully. It’s all dramatic and Komui is crying, there’s flashbacks, and then she smiles at him and drinks the innocence. It’s awesome!

153rd Night - Red Resolve
Rinali’s feet kind of explode a bit, and there’s blood everywhere.
“Unh… Ahh…”
“The innocence… It suddenly liquefied of it’s own accord… Almost… As if to say “drink me”…” The innocence isn’t in her body anymore, and then her blood kind of grows wings. Hmm…
“Innocence… My resolve… Have you accepted it…?”
“Activate” And her new shoes look fucking awesome.

154th Night - Battlefield in Flux
“How dare you do this to our home.” *FINALLY PULLS OFF A DRAMATIC RESCUE! Fuck yeah!*
“Here it comes…!” Rinali grabs Allen and flies up reaaaaally fast. It makes him feel sick.
“Ah sorry! Oh, no- Are you going to-? That’s strange. I didn’t mean to jump up all this way… Am I getting rusty after not using them for so long…? ! What is… This…?” The butterflies on her shoes are no relation to Ticky’s.
“Rinali… I failed… To protect everybody… I’m sorry…” “Me too… For showing up so late… It’s time… To stop him.” And then they both proceed to kick it’s arse until the Generals show up.
“Higher and higher… Higher… And faster! More acceleration… More power…! They really are different from my “Dark Boots” before… I don’t even have to control them… They respond to my thoughts and feelings… It’s completely different from an equipment-type…”

155th Night - Resounding Through the Lingering Moon
“Brother?! There were survivors in the lab…?!” Allen cries tears of joy at this, Rinali looks like Christmas came early. Komui smiles at the two of them, but the adorable moment is ruined by Vatican Hitler’s glare. Oh, and the akuma’s not really being dead, that too.
*Kicks the akuma’s arse*

156th Night - Next Stage
“Is anyone here a doctor? Allen’s not moving.” “Where is he?” “He’s in one of the corridors below…! Hurry…”
“It, it’s nothing… I just feel faint… My whole body feels heavy… !? It… Turned into a red ring… Did they stop working…? They don’t seem quite like a parasitic type… They’re not equipment type… But… Are they really parasitic…?” Rinali sends Link off to help Allen, and then bawwws over Tapp :’(
“Tapp…” Damn you Hoshino for making me cry over a minor background character!

157th Night - Reccitativo
About Rinali’s super special awesome new rings.
“With a Parasitic-type, the Innocence and the user's body are integrated at a cellular level, combining to turn the body itself into an "anti-Akuma weapon." In other words, the Innocence is restructuring the body for user. For instance... Allen's left arm and Crowley's teeth may take the form of parts of the human body when they're not activated... but internally, they're composed of an entirely different kind of cellular structure.” “But when we investigated Rinali's legs, we couldn't find evidence of any such transformation. And there's no sign of any Innocence within her body. It's just there "crystals" left upon her legs. Originally, they were formed from Rinali's own blood, but they've changed into an entirely different, metallic kind of structure. Hevlaska agreed that the Innocence is clearly residing inside of the crystals.” “I see... "blood," huh. It's a part of the user's body...” “This is an evolution of the Equipment-type. In exchange for the blood of the user, the Innocence itself generates a weapon.” “Ordinarily, Equipment-type Innocence is difficult to control, and so we of the Science Department have to forge it into a weapon, to restrain and direct its power. But with this type, it seems the blood forms an intermediary between the Innocence and its user, making it possible to control a greater power than would be ordinarily possible. I also suspect that even if the weapon were to be damaged, it would simply need a little of the user's blood to restore itself.” “For the moment, we intend to call this the "Crystallization-type."” “But Komui, don't you think this Crystallization type might be something unique to Rinali?” “No... we can't be certain yet, but I suspect that there is a high probability of the same thing happening to other Equipment-type users.” I don’t see how the others are meant to do this. Miranda’s Time Record, Rabi’s hammer… Yeeeeah no.

159th Night - Moving in the Storm, 2:00am
“What should we do about their clothes?” Rinali worries about the small things when weird stuff happens. She’s too used to this kind of crazy stuff.
“My hair… My…” “It’s really cute. Meow?” Rinali gets hit by crazy stuff.
“Meow, meow, meow!! (Let them go, brother!)”

165th Night - Rain
“You’ll catch cold” They’re mothering Allen, aww
“Johnny and I were talking inside just now.” “And I said you’re not as polite when you talk to us anymore.”
“On missions, everyone’s speech gets a little short and rough during battle, so I didn’t think anything of it. But I said now that you mention it, maybe it’s true. Johnny was watching you closely.”
“I don’t mind. I like when you’re not so polite!”
“You’re awake, brother. Are you over your sea sickness?”
“I’m gonna take a look around, brother. Use the radio if anything happens.”
“B, BROTHER…! What’s going on!?”
“! Johnny!”
“Apparently he’s here on business from Central. I hadn’t heard anything about it.” “Where’s Allen!?” “They bound his left arm and took him away. I… Tried to follow, but they wouldn’t let me…” Johnny wonders if Allen will come back, and Rinali looks like a kicked puppy =(

166th Night - Truth
“The rain… Hasn’t stopped.” “Y, yeah, I hate the rain. It always makes me feel mopey.” “…Yeah……….” “Let’s stay up until Allen comes back, Rinali!” “Yeah!” Rinali’s not very talkative

167th Night - Allusion
“Allen!? Wah! I fell asleep!! Wh, where’s my brother?”
“Is your cheek swollen Allen?” “Yeah, my Master hit me.” “Are you okay?” Rinali looks happy now that Allen’s back, but notices something is amiss.

171st Night - What Lies Hidden
“A science section chief, having an exorcist serve him coffee… Surely there is something wrong here.” “Huh? Hu?H?? I-I do this because I enjoy it!” Don’t you be getting in the way of my coffee making, new guy. She actually seems quite nervous for some reason
“You “enjoy” it?” “Yes!” “Well, then, could you make some for me as well? Rinali Lee?” “Huh? Ah- Of course!” He’s using this as an excuse to stare at her arse.

184th Night - Neogyps
“Allen… You’re awake? Oh, dear… It looks like I dozed off on the Inspector’s bed… I guess I shouldn’t have come to see how you were right after my mission, huh? Eheheh… Has your fever gone down?” Once again, they’re being really cute with each other.
“It’s true Rinali… If it’d been Rabi, there’s no telling what he would have done…” “Oh, don’t worry… I can take care of myself!” “She’d actually use her innocence…?” “THAT IS NOT THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE!” I love these three XD
“Allen, are you okay?” “Hm? What’s that?” “No… It’s nothing.”
“Did I imagine it…? He looked like a completely different person…” Rinali notices small things like being taken over by evil entities in your head…

186th Night - Illusion
“Oh, well, we got a mission you see, and…”
“Don’t cry, Rou Fa.” Rinali’s hair is getting quite long here.

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