ED'S TOTALLY NOT A VAMPIRE, HE'S SOBBING HIS EYES OUT, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. Let me get my idiotic inspiration where I can, okay? >>;
I wrote this in about 8 minutes, it was not looked over, it has no title, I have no regrets. :P Enjoy, guys, lol.
"Edward..." Roy began in a slightly hesitant tone. "Why are you crying?"
Silence followed the Colonel's question, followed by a sniffle and more sobbing from the young blond. He was clearly upset about something. Rather than answer the man, Ed chose instead to cling to Roy's shirt and give him a rather pathetic look, his disheveled hair falling down over his shoulders and framing his tear-stained face.
"I'm not psychic you know, Edward," Roy said in a flat tone.
"YOU TOLD ME IT WAS JUST SHRINKAGE, ROY!" Ed suddenly started in one of the louder pitches that he normally reserved for his famed short-rants. "SAID IT WAS COLD IN THE HOUSE THAT NIGHT! YOU LIED TO ME, YOU BASTARD!!"
Roy's horrified groan was barely heard over Ed's continued ranting.