The Kink Diaries 4/?

Aug 05, 2011 08:43

Title: The Kink Diaries
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Matt Flyzik/William Beckett
Authors: americanaffair & darkbluerain
Summary: Matt can't help but get turned on by a certain princess.
Warning: Weird and not so weird kinks, noodles, brightly colored naughty things, Disney princesses
Chapter Warning: Disney princesses
Disclaimer: You wish.
Author Notes: So, I haven't updated this since there was snow on the ground, and with the help of Bridjet I've decided to bring it back, triple the sex and double the pleasure ;) This is the costume I had in mind, with a few minor alterations.

Matt Flyzik wanted to fuck Snow White.

Not her, literally. Considering she's a female, and only fourteen years old, after all.

Like most children, Matt had been raised on Disney movies. And like most of those same people, when he'd hit high school, he wanted to go back and relive his childhood a bit by watching those old movies.

He could remember being a child, swinging off his mother's arm in a video store and pointing at the Snow White VHS, begging and saying he wanted to watch "the pretty one." His friends had poked fun, asking why he didn't pick something cooler like Transformers or something with dinosaurs in it. But he was content, sitting in his room and singing along to "I'm Wishing" while the others wrestled each other in the sand box.

Ten years pass, and he's standing in that same video store, this time grabbing the DVD of the movie he begged for so long ago and taking it home.

And, at age fifteen, James Matthew Flyzik got a boner while watching a Disney film.

It had been obvious to him for as long as he could remember that he liked boys. Girls had attempted to give him kisses on playgrounds, during detentions, in the backseats of cars. And each time he turned them down, preferring to kiss their boyfriends and the few other gay men he managed to discover in town.

As he sat there, hand down his pants and gentle moans spilling from his lips, he studied the screen to figure out just what exactly about the original Disney princess was turning him on so much. The short black hair was a definite. He loved black hair on a guy. She had adorable eyes; all the guys Matt kissed had eyes like that. A beautiful voice, but who didn't want that, honestly? Mostly, Matt figured it was the dress. Dark blue and pale yellow were always two of his favorite colors, and putting them together on a silk dress made pleasant shivers run up his spine. He'd once made out with a boy wearing a silk shirt at a Halloween party. The feeling of it against his skin drove him wild.

From that point on, Matt was determined to somehow achieve this strange fantasy of his. Somehow, he was going to get his perfect Snow White into bed. However, most of the men he found on his journey were either just not right, weren't fond of lady clothes, or found the idea of bringing Disney into the bedroom just a bit too strange.

And then he met William Beckett.


William had been gone for two hours.

He'd left with barely a goodbye, pecking Matt on the lips and rushing out the door, mumbling something about closeout sales and his paycheck. Matt frowns; he'd been stuck home all day, eagerly awaiting his boyfriend's arrival home from work. He'd been thinking they'd finally break in the new mattress, but as soon as William had gotten home he'd dropped his uniform in the dirty laundry and hurried back out the door.

Finally, the willowy man arrives home, a plain white plastic bag in hand. Before Matt can even get a word out, William has kicked off his shoes and run into the bedroom, locking the door behind him. Grumbling, Matt sits back down on the couch, getting pissier by the second. Who the fuck does William think he is, ignoring him like that?

Thirty minutes, a cup of coffee, and several word searches later, Matt recieves a text from William's phone.

See you in the bedroom in five minutes?

Matt smiles to himself. Whatever is awaiting him in the bedroom is undoubtely sexual (and possibly kinky, taking the unmarked bag into consideration), which makes up for the long assed wait and William's bizzare behaviour. He rinses the coffee mug out and tosses it on the counter before heading into the bedroom.

When he opens the door, he can't tell which comes first; his jaw hitting the floor or him becoming harder than hell.

William is standing in the middle of the room, wearing a short black wig, dressed as Snow White.

His lips are as red as a fresh drop of blood (the 'V' accentuated perfectly), a red bow rests atop his neatly styled wig, and he's added the faintest hint of blush to his cheeks. However, instead of a floor length dress, the skirt portion of William's outfit hits just shy of his knees. And instead of cute little yellow shoes with bows, he's found a pair of silky yellow thigh highs each finished off with a large, satin bow.

"Like it?"

Matt's lips move, but no coherent sounds come out. He just walks over to William, running his hands over his boyfriend's hips. The bodice clings to his body in all the right places despite his lack of breasts.

"How...but I never told..."

William smirks, swishing his hips over to their bedside drawer and taking out Matt's journal. Granted, he hasn't written in it for about six years, but you just don't go throwing out something like that, you know?

"You were at your sister's, so I read it. You think a lot of dirty, slutty things," he tosses it aside, "Come on Matt. Are you just going to stand there...," William pulls Matt close, kissing up Matt's neck and leaving a trail of lipstick marks in his wake, "Or are you going to fuck me?"

William has no time to respond before Matt kicks his legs out from underneath him, making him fall back on the bed with a soft thud, and immediately pushes the skirt up to William's hips for a better view.

Just as suspected, William is wearing a matching yellow garter belt with absolutely no underwear. Matt moans, his pants ridiculously uncomfortable. He runs his hands over William's legs, admiring the sudden change from silky smooth to bristly. With the skirt pushed up, William's own erection is in plain view, inches from Matt's face and just calling out to him.

He wastes no time in wrapping his mouth around the tip, swirling his tongue like a pro. William bucks his hips, which Matt then promptly pins down to the bed. He curls his fingers around the skirt fabric as he begins bobbing his head slowly. Velvet, not silk.

It's better, he thinks.

Spindly fingers wind themselves in Matt's short hair, tugging his head up roughly and bringing it forward to crash against William's lips.

"I am not going to come in your mouth."

He wiggles out of Matt's grasp, wrapping his silk clad legs around his boyfriend's waist. William runs one (freshly manicured) nail down Matt's cheek.

"I am going to come screaming your name while you pound my pretty little princess ass."

Well, a sweet and docile princess he wasn't, but what would be the fun in that?

Matt's hands rush to his loose shorts he'd been lounging in, pushing them down his hips and hearing them land idly on the floor. He hadn't bothered wearing boxers underneath, convient sex and convient bathroom trips made his life easier.

William whined, clearly wanting more attention than he was being given. Matt smiled, his favorite part, and wiggled three fingers before guiding them to William's much plushier lower lip. He watched him suck, cheeks hollowing and eyes liding while his tongue attempted to soak salivia in every little dip and crack Matt's fingers had to offer.

Then, just as soon as they were in, they were out. Matt wasted no time in pushing his index finger past William's tight ring of muscles, feeling them already loose.

It was at that moment, accompanied by a high pitched noise from the fleshy body underneath him, that Matt realized William had already stretched himself. An image etched itself across his vision, of William, all gussied up in this hideously sexy number, sinking down on his long fingers while resting on his knees. Going up, and down, but still never getting close enough to reach the spot that Matt could brush with just a mere flick of the wrist.

"Mm ready," he moaned louder, trying to get Matt to focus on reality. Which worked, beyond efficently. "Matt," he whimpered. "Matt, c'mon."

He had already been three fingers deep, which was enough for him to easily replace those digits with his cock.

"God damn, Bill." Matt spat out breathlessly. He felt twin pairs of long, silky legs, wrap around his body and pull him in so close. The few seams on the fabric were starting to chafe and leave marks from being pressing so tightly against the duos' skin. "You're such a slut," he choked out, feeling everything go tighttighttight and then back to normal. But normal was no where near loose.

Underneath, William groaned and squirmed a bit, a sign that he was growing close to orgasm. Neither of them where in any state of being able to last long, not after all of this excitement.

"Matt, please," he thrusted his hips aimlessly, dying for something to work him off those few seconds it would take.

"Oh, where are my manners," Matt teased. His voice weak, but still stronger than William. "Ladies first," he wrapped one hand around William and twisted his wrist before jerking him off rapidly. And as expected, he felt him come undone and let go.

"F-Fuck," William cried out louder, wriggling around to the point that Matt had to refasten a solid grip on those dangerous hip bones and hold him still.

"If you wanted me to fuck you, then let me fuck you," his voice came rough, making goosebumps arise on William's arms and push his orgasm that much further, his back arched off the bed while his long legs remained taught around Matt's midsection.

Matt came quickly after that, watching his boyfriend's natural showmanship was never short of too much.

Matt pulls out quickly, panting and running a hand through his short hair. Willliam's elegant legs carry him off the bed and into the bathroom. He returns with a towel, wiping Matt's stomach clean.

"You don't have to do that."

William smiles at him, lipstick smudged across his chin.

"Please, it's the ladylike thing to do."

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