about that ostrich

Jun 13, 2006 16:11

well, i've decided not to be an ostrich... taking my head out of the ground is a good thing for this little birdie... even though i'm not. anyways, dootdoodoo... I sent out my transcript request, i've written one of the 2 essays i need to write and I have read four books in the past 48 hours. yay for me... boo for the fact that every Big vacation I end up rereading my entire library in under 4 weeks... anywho, I needto write more conrad letters and another essay and start writing my stories because really, I really need to write.

I had a dream last night where it was suppose to be a rehersal for a play but instead it turned out to be opening night aqnd i didnt know my lines but it was sort of ok because nobody really knew their lines because we all thought it was rehersal and it was being performed in the subway... actually it was a pretty cool set/stage area, and there werent any real subways going through the show it was in a station and on the tracks and the play was about a bunch of sisters and one of them (me) has a fiance and they were going to go meet his family for a weekend in the country and it turned out the one of the sisters was trying to steal my fiance away and she began her seduction during a country dance. you see, it was not a modern play it took place in like the ealry 1900's or something, and it was cool. and we had our backstage area on the tracks behind a large platform thing that made up the front of a set of apartments. i dont know. all of us actors were like, "why is there an audience," "damn, we knew our lines last night!" and the director yelled at us and then told the audience that it was a preview and we had not been expecting audience members to be there and "so sorry for the first act, I promise, Act two will be better". and it was. we all figured out what the play was about, even though there was no script and i was frantically searching for one, but we decided to talk about what each scene was before we went onstage so we would at least know the plot. and i thought that was a good idea. especially since i seemed to be becomming the only one who had no idea what was going on. however, the second act Was lots better than the first.... and then i woke up, so i dont know how the play actually ended. but it was fun nonetheless.

and it made me think. I really do love acting, and I want uncut pages to be a sucess. I dont know if that means I shouldnt go away to art school, or if that means that I should go away and learn what i can about advertising and how to promote our image better, or if i should just live here and do what i thought i wanted to do origionally. i havent a clue. haha, just like that dream, i'm onstage, and none of the other actors know what i'm suppose to do either. but somehow we figure it out. there isnt a script but there are costumes and a set, and what else can we do for the audience but preform?
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