Nov 01, 2005 14:11
Morsander. The biggest Avalon event of the year, on Halloween weekend. It was goffing amazing. Crazy crucial event. I was NPCing and GTITing (game tech in training), and it was awesome. At first I was nervous because I had never been to a Morsander and I wanted to be able to make sure that I was able to hold up to its reputation. I monitered a lot of stuff, like the zombie romp on Saturday that lasted FOREVER, and Laharl's little mod, and a random graveyard spirit. It was fun. I got to play a 10 year-old Gurnei during the Carnival of Chaos (in which Sebastian was really awesome), and I told everyone that they were pretty. 7871 said that he had never received a compliment before--it was cute. My Gurnei had a thing for the Dominion lol. And I played a little pumpkin minion, and a RED MASKED TROLL!! GOFF GOFF!! Hehe. My favorite role though.. hehe... was the table girl. At the ball, Kate Wells and I were living table decorations, wearing sexy clothing and epic jestertype masks, and we were the main course for the vamps. It was hot. She and I had SO much fun playing that because we would mimic movements, were fluid, we were hot, we had cool masks, Brenya roleplayed with us (omfg omfg Charlie rocks the house, and Brenya was the coolest character ever), and we danced and stuff. We didn't want to gear down.
But man... I got lucky. People who had been going for 6 years had never seen Baghden or rarely Lord Morsander himself. I saw both, and the the former was burned to the ground. Literally. It was hardcore. And Tim is fucking amazing, because when he flipped and choked Marie, it looked real. It was really well done, and it was wow. Just wow. And the costuming and roleplaying was great. During the Baghden battle, the trolls forgot that Tim was still out as Morsander, and when he emerged through the throng with a blue sword, it was freaking crazy. We didn't have to roleplay being scared lol. I just had an amazing event.
And as usual I got hang out with amazing people during cleanup and Burger King and a little during the event. I love those people so much... *sigh* And I miss Laura and Jimmy already. They just rock so much, really.
I can't wait for next Morsander, and next EO, and working on being game staff and plot and other events, ect. I'm so excited. I love it.
And.. one day when I'm rich, I'll get more costuming, earbuds for the walkie, an EPIC mask, a double flute, and pay off my parents for the next 8 years.
SO. Other stuffs lol.
I had an amazing conversation with Patrick last night that lasted about 3 hours lol. But umm.. basically I got out a lot, not everything, of what had been bothering me through our relationship, and the issues that I had with him and resentments and bitterness. All this shit from the past that I never wanted to say... It's because I was nonconfrontational, afraid, didn't have control, was uncommunicative about things, and yeah. And it was liberating. And that segued into us just getting out lots of stuff on and about each other and situations and just ranting. It was really good for the both of us, a good release. And I think he better understands where I am, and I think I have a better understanding of who he is becoming and has become the past few months. Good times.
I hope Dora is okay. She is really sick, and she isn't here.. and I don't know if she is okay or not.
I've been struggling with Spring semester scheduling. I always come out to over 20 hours of courses I want to take because of the ones I don't want to take. And others that aren't offered and others that overlap so I can't take them or will have to wait 2 years for when I can take it again. *sigh* GOFF.
I still really am interested in massage therapy and energy healing. One day :) And I kind of don't want to major in Music... but there's nothing else I want to major in.
My longsleeve black concert attire shirt came in the mail today. It's also medievalish. I love it :)
I talked to Nick for over 3 hours in the past 2 days. He's funny, and makes me laugh. Yay.
Some boys are good, some boys are bad, some boys are trying, some boys are lazy, some boys aren't worth it, some boys are. Okay.
Concert review, symphonic winds, dinner, going before the SGA to get Sirenity approved :) And then auditions for that and music and all of that. EEP! I have NOOOOO time!