Mar 26, 2005 08:57
This is the point where I say that Berini completely took over my soul.
This morning, I had the radio to go off at 8:48 or something on 107.9. Some lady called in about how she had to memorize the general prologue of The Canterbury Tales. This was playing into my dream, I hadn't woken up yet, and in my dream there were a bunch of us in an auditorium sitting down, and she was saying this to the person up front. She then said she had to memorize it in Old English (which, keep in mind, whatever she says and the guy up front says is actually happening on the radio). I stand up and yell at her that it isn't Old English, it's Middle English. *facepalm* Friends were in my dream, sitting around me when I called her out; Jeff Durkin started laughing, Patrick told me to sit down, and Lucy was shaking her head.
Something like that also happened when I went to see Freaky Friday with Patrick and his Mom. There was some scene when the teacher said something and said it was from Hamlet, and I said outloud "That's from Macbeth" and the character that Lohan was playing said the same line at the same time. Yeah, freaky.
Thanks Berini. You embarassed me in my dream, and you infiltrated my mind while I sleeping and enjoying movies. Thanks.