Feb 10, 2013 21:03
Being back in the house that I pretty much grew up in, and having visited the other 2 houses that I've briefly spent my short life at, I'm a mixed bundle of emotions tonight and sleep is slipping further and further away from me.
Also, it might be withdrawal symptoms of freedom and that last Starbucks at nearly midnight...
I have missed my family very much.
Being home is like a slow, extraction of a painful sliver of glass in my heart. It hurts so good, so bittersweet. Every taste of local food, every bit of laughter, every bit of stifling hot humidity, makes it all a bit better. Sipping lime green slurpee in the afternoon with the sun in your eyes... bliss. A hot mess, but bliss.
Everything is ever more beautiful because we will be leaving in 2 weeks.
My heart was so full today, filled with memories of childhood friends, and an impromptu meeting of a few faces that I haven't seen in awhile.
And I know, aside from my parents, the hardest person to say goodbye to will be my brother. That boy is growing up to be such an amazing person, I am so proud of him. He is open and honest with me, and always on my side. Just as I will be open and honest (when he's ready) with him, and always on his side.
So full of love :)