30 day meme. day 6

Nov 26, 2010 03:19

A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet

I have a pet, his name is Zorro, and he's the smartest, most friendliest cat you could ever meet. I know people usually say that about their pets, but it really is true in this case!

isn't he the sweetest!

We hope to someday have a large-ish house with 3 kids and more pets though, and my favourite breed ever is

the wire fox terrier
so cute!

And they're supposed to be really smart too! Walter really wants a German Shephard, cuz his dream dog is a husky. Maybe we can have both ;)

I made a video today that I'm going to post up as soon as it finishes loading and processing. Yes, its been 12 hours -.- damn you BT Broadband!

zorro, meme

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