no, this is not a fanfic update ;p

Mar 17, 2010 12:02

Let's talk about the Run Devil Run MV, shall we?

Disregarding the song, (I do really like the song; I don't give a flying shit about Ke$ha nor do I understand all the hate on her) but this MV is amazing. There is a reason why Taeyeon is my bias and this MV exemplifies that reason. Tiffany looks amazing, in a 'ohgodwhycan'timarryher' kind of way. If there's anyone who wants to spazz with me, please do so :D Lurker or not, I don't care.

Let's just please bask in the glory that is BAMF Soshi.

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Netizens, can we call this the "MOVE BITCH GET OUT DA WAY, GET OUT DA WAY BITCH " move?

AHAHAHA. I am amused easily.

Gifs are property of thiscraze@SSF :D


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