Today's Rant: Generational Changes

Jan 07, 2010 14:43

Today's rant was inspired not just by the harsh words of a family member to a friend of mine from highschool regarding her pregnancy, but by what I hear at least a few times a week in my profession by the parents or friends of someone deciding to get a tattoo or piercing.

Yes, generations change. Think about it: In the 1800's the music was the waltz, the predominant religion was Protestantism or Catholicism (which were directly opposed to eachother by the way regardless that both worship the same god). Even the music of the 50's would be considered harsh noise, and a promiscuous woman such as a 60's hippy or even the people nowadays would be harshly condemned by their "peers". Some things never change though as homosexuality, sadism/masochism and drug abuse were back then too. If you don't believe me, go read a book or few.

When did it become necessary for people to follow a Christian Dogma of marraige, children, vices, virtues, etc? For that matter, did you know that if you wore shorts as a female of any sort during the 20's that you were considered a harlot and would harshly be condemned by your priest/preacher in many areas after shorts were considered fine for the regular populace?

Listen people, times change. "Good ole boy" virtues are thankfully going by the wayside as people are making their own decisions rather than having the Government or the Church make their decisions for them. Its a sort of devolving if you think about it; virtues going back to a time before rampant Christian influence.

Now, if you're thinking I'm just picking on the Christian dogma here, this isn't the case although it does give me quite a few examples which are contradictory and useful. If I told you that I grew up in a Christian Church, attended various services including Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Non-Denominational, and even attended a Christian school for 2 years and decided after a lot of research as well as soul searching to discover that this was not my path and although I don't condemn others for choosing to be a Christian so long as they do not push their values on everyone else, you may get a better idea as to why this rant began.

This goes for any religion, philosophy, belief structure or what have you. I choose to eat meat because I enjoy the way it tastes. I won't force a vegan into thinking that meat isn't murder, although I will discuss it with them and find that 9 times out of 10, they'd eat meat if they killed it and prepared it. I like talking with others regarding their belief system as it is always a new perspective to learn, however I get very tired talking to cookie cutter style people who don't give me a path to follow in their discussion as to why they believe what they believe other than "its in the bible" or "that's what they said I should know" or so on. I suppose it boils down to the fact that I can't stand it when people condemn others who choose something different than themselves and don't even bother to think about why they chose their direction.
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