Jan 28, 2009 00:56
So.sense yesterday was a full day.
I'm going to tell you I he is.
Why she I am are ok.
Ok but really yesterday was amazing.
Like everyday I'm with her.
But yeah.
She came and picked me up around 8ish.
We then went back to her house.
We watched "Wall-E"
It was pretty good.
Went up stairs and chilled for a little.
Lauren <3 had school.
So i chilled there alone when Lauren <3 left.
I missed her =(.
But I was content trolling people.
Fun =P.
Well she got home later on.
We ate Wendy's. (num num)
Showed her a bunch of Soulja boy videos and shit.
We layed in her bed.
Just chillin.
Till I got ahold of her neck =P.
I enjoy it.
I love her.
She got mine to <3
I loved it.
I think she cheated though.
Cause she knew when she had me.
Yet she did it twice more =P.
My body was all hot and stuff.
I was on fire.
She did it <3.
After she had stopped my lips were numb.
We layed there.
Gowsh I love her.
Just everything about her seems so right to me.
She seems so perfect to me.
Really I don't/couldn't see me letting her go.
I don't see how he could have.
I don't see how anyone could.
Her every flaw to others is everything I love.
We fell asleep.
We woke up.
We ended up on the floor =P.
In the middle of her dresser and the bed.
It was a small space.
But I love being close to her.
I love being with her period.
Hmm Eventually she found a spot.
She sent my body into shivers.
I had to breath really deep.
I couldn't control myself.
Well i did.
But yeah .
It was mean.
But I wasn't going to complain.
At all.
She knew what she was doing.
I love her.<3
Shes amazing.
Soooo she had to go to school again.
I stayed there and waited.
Trolling people yet again.
She came home soon after.
We chilled there and I felt like I was addicted to fucking Youtube.com.
We watched a shit load of non-sense videos and stuff.
I did my hair funny too . =p
As we were leaving she gave me a note she wrote in class <3.
I told her I wasn't going to read it till I got home.
Reason:cause I want to write one back and not say somthing about it on the way home.
Not that it was bad <3.
At all.
We got to my house.
We kissed <333333.
Like everytime right before i get out of the car and start.....
missing the fuck out of her ugh =(.
Got inside.
Read note
I know you wouldn't lie to me baby.
I loved when you attacked me <3
And I love everything you do.
I know who you are <3
I love you so much.
My name is Devan and I am the product of incest between two water buffalo's