Cheesburgers in paradise

Jul 27, 2007 14:07

I already posted this on myspace so Geek BACK OFF MY JUNK!!! j/k *muah*

Ok I am hear today to complain about those damn cat pictures that are going around where they have some fucked up looking cat with text on the picture that is in like broken english...WTF is up with those?!?!?! example:

So they superglued some shit on a cat and then put some nonsensical text on the picture am I to be amused...I feel insulted...

and this one....number 1 what cat eats cheesebugers? number 2 what cat contemplates the worth of its soul? number 3 how much acid did this cat take for it to believe that a inanimate object was speaking to it?
Well here is my own made up cat picture:

Now I must say that I like this pic:

But the text is in english and it's gangsta so I let that one slide but all others must be stopped dammit! Oh and this ones cool....

I like making fun of emo kids makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside

Well thanks for reading my rant I hope the rest of your day is stellar :)
Love Lolo
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