Mar 08, 2006 20:00
School has like totally sucked lately. I am so stressed out, *screams* Ok.. Like all my freakin teachers are like deciding to kill us with homework and junk and I'm like always tired. Me and Louis are like.. I don't know.. bunch of crap's been going on and well let's just say that he knows more about me then even you guys do! so I'm kinda stepping back and going WHOA don't get yourself too wrapped up and get yourself hurt here.. (Yall know what I mean)
So much drama! Gah it's driving me crazy.. Come on people we're not in the 7th grade anymore let's let them fight their own battles.
I know I never post anymore but gah whenever I sign on and actually get time you guys are always IMing me and I don't get time. It'll be otay thought cause I love you guys. EsP. Bethany and Kayla *hugs* you guys are the best I seriously don't know what I'd do without yall.