Ever So Lacking in Grace...

Dec 12, 2009 09:35

Ahaha, yesh, I phail miserably at addressing anything with grace and that has become even moreso apparent in the fact that practicing for my debut has so far earned me many more awkward moments within my friend circle. ><

Anyway, Christmas is coming, and I'm actually not as fired up as I was last year or the year previous; I've done no Christmas shopping and I'm finding myself seeing hardly any reason for festivity save for the fact that various family members and friends are coming home for the season.


Anyhow, I'vebeen preoccupied with the ukulele.. A ukulele club started at school and my teacher was generous enough to lend me his until I got a new one. My mom's cousin visiting from the Philippines brought a ukulele for me, but it turns out that its only use is as a toy. The ukulele itself was 600 pesos and the parts my teacher used to replace the fake parts that had initially come with it cost more than the ukulele. o__o'l'

Back to ukulele~
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