Title: Chasing Lu
mrstottenCrossover: Supernatural/Constantine (movie)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters featured in this fic, it's just a bit of fun, don't sue me!
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, John Constantine, Castiel, Lilith, Ruby, Papa Midnite, Angela Dodson, Chas Kramer, Ellen, Bobby, Beeman, Father Hennessy, Lu aka Lucifer.
Warnings: Strong Language, Consensual Incest, Sex, Violence, Gore, Death. Spoilers: Spoiler through Season 4
davincis_girlLink to Art:
Master Art PostSummary: The Winchester brothers are in LA, with another seal on the verge of breaking. Sam and Dean have to find out how a serious of demonic murders might point them on the right track and how Dean can finally realize his role.
Author’s Notes: Massive Thank you's to
davincis_girlfor the brilliant and very breath taking art work she has done for this story, without her replies and her effort this wouldn't have been half the story I think it is right now. Thank you to
popeiathehippoif she hadn't pulled out all her stops and devoted her valuable time there'd be so many typos and grammar mistakes nobody would be able to read! Thank you to
mrstottenwith her advise and suggestions I wouldn't have come up with most of my ideas thank you. This story was written for
sncross_bigbangthis has been a great way to get me back into my writing thank you.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday Constantine’s never wanted a cigarette so bad for the past couple of months as he does right now, the throbbing ache of his bones and the nagging nicotine receptors are driving him mad as he watches the sun rise, the dusty glow of it slipping through the gaps of skyscrapers.
He digs his hands into the pockets of his jacket when he feels it, the sharp edges of cardboard and cool metal sides.
John knows what they are before he even pulls them out of his pocket, a packet of Marlboro Lights 12 pack and a silver Zippo light, he feels the engraving before he reads it.
I Believe in you John
When they get back to the motel, Dean’s already dropped Constantine off at his apartment without a backward glance.
Sam still acts the way he did when he was five, waking up groggy and cranky but it’s a lot more difficult to shuffle them both up a flight of stairs, Dean can feel a small margin of pride when he dumps Sam onto the closest bed.
It’s only the smear of flaking black and blood on Sam’s face and shirt that shows what happened in the night and more than a few bruised ribs for Dean.
Dean feels it like lead strapped to his ankles, the adrenaline running out of his system and the drying sweat on his skin makes him itch as he hobbles into the bathroom.
The light stutters on and he looks at his cracked reflection, the duality doesn’t lay so heavy, he feels it, the slow relief of it’s weight lifted as he rinses off the dried spray of blood from his face and a wash cloth.
When he comes back Sam’s already snoring, drooling into his own hair and if Dean wasn’t so exhausted he would total rummage through the duffle at the end of Sam’s bag for the little Samsung they have.
But he just sits heavy at the edge of Sam’s bed, Sam turns with the angle and grunts as Dean smoothes his brow with the wash cloth.
“I’mma sorry-it wasn’t-I did it fur you De, always fur you De.” Sam slurs as Dean wipes at his mouth and it’s been awhile since he’s heard Sam call him that, when Sam would stretch out his chubby fingers and whine for him, even when their dad would hold Sam, he always wanted Dean.
“Go to sleep Sammy” Dean murmurs, Sam might be bigger than him, sure, stronger, probably, smarter yeah Dean can deal with that but the one thing he’s got is that Sam still needs him.
And for the first time in weeks he can finally sleep.
Friday-Part 3