Jan 15, 2009 17:45
Last night I had what can only be described as a nightmare. I dreamed, in vivid technicolour, that I was 5 months pregnant. And I was HAPPY about it. Arrrgh.
I had a huge stomach, which I kept patting, and was wearing one of my favourite tops which had miraculously turned into a maternity top with lots of frills and spare material. I will never wear it again.
In the dream, I was quite content to be preggers, and was going with my sister (also pregnant with matching lump) for a scan. Only we were going on the bus. Through a rough neighbourhood. We had to stand all the way, and the bus was going up and down some really windy, hilly roads. I was terrified of falling over and squashing my bump.
Eventually the bus stopped and we got off. In the middle of a FOREST. We were surrounded by trees, and sis ran off to the find the doctor. I stood waiting for her admiring at all the giant flowers that were sprouting out of the ground. I mean HUGE things. The size of trees. All different colours - pinks, reds, yellows, blues, all waving around in the breeze. It was bizarre and even in dream-me was perturbed.
Sis came back to say she had found the Doctor, but that he was running late and she had made us a fire to keep warm while we waited. She led me off to the fallen tree stump that she had hollowed out and filled with leaves and which was blazing away nicely. We sat, drank tea and read magazines.
I swear I could even feel the damn dream baby moving! I woke up at this point, sweating and with that feeling of falling.
It was HORRIBLE! I think I have definitely been spending too much time with pregnant people - It is even seeping into my subconscious. This dream is most disturbing on many levels, not least the fact that I was happy about it. Dear god. Please don’t let it be a premonition.
I have checked in my Dream Dictionary and was pleased to see that to dream of pregnancy actually forecasts a happy increase in material wealth (yay) and not like a REAL baby. There was nothing about giant flowers, but normal ones are an auspicious omen of great personal happiness and fire also signifies good things.
Of course, it could just be a load of old bollocks, and is my over-active mind processing things and spewing out nonsense.
Either way, I’ll be happy not to repeat the experience thanks very much.
baby stuff,