Considering I have been home for more than a week, I haven't posted much. Probably because all I have done is sit here and eat my own bodyweight in chocolate, and watch tv. I have also itermittently played with the WII (which I am very, very bad at I might add). I don't feel like I've eaten or done anything HEALTHY in days. In fact, I feel bloated and fat and blah. I just need to get tonight over with and then hello New Year - health kick starts here. That's the plan anyway.
Regarding the Wii. I avoided it for months, refusing to even pick up the controller thing. I wanted nothing to do with a game that you had do ridiculous things with, like wave it over your head n stuff. Plus I knew I would be terrible at it. I always am.
But then I relented.
fmd wore me down and one rainy Saturday I gave in and tried. It was a painful process. My brain just couldn't work out what it was meant to do. Hand/eye coordination is not my strong point! But I persevered and have progressed from shooting red balloons to playing endless games of Tetris. I know, I know, Tetris is SO 80s. I would have played PacMan too but I couldn't get it to work *pouts*.
I have also tried my hand at Mario Kart but there are just not enough words to describe how truly terrible I am at that! I can't steer for shit, I crash into EVERYTHING. I miss all the things I am meant to run into. I end up going in the wrong direction... and generally I come 12th out of 12. I'm sure I'm great to race against because the other persion is guaranteed to win, every time! I just don't seem to be able to get my head arounds games. I reason i play Tetris is because that's about as complicated as I can manage. I can fit little shapes together, but anything more complex and I fail dismally. It has always been so and I can't see it change anytime soon.
I may have a go at the bowling. It looks easy when others do it, but I just know that when I try it will become the stuff that tears (of laughter) are made of. And the whole 'having to move around' thing with the WII? I just don't like it. It's silly. Why would I want to show mysef up in front of people by pretending to whack a ball, or throw something, or god forbid SING or play guitar. No, no, no, no, NO.
So I stick with Tetris, and possibly PacMan (if I can get it work). The other reason I try to avoid it is because I know how easily i could become obsessed. The other day I play Tetris for about 2 hours straight, and when I closed my eyes I could see falling coloured shapes etched onto my retinas. That is so not healthy.
Speaking of healthy, today is New Years Eve. I have never liked New Years Eve. I find it rather depressing with lots of people trying too hard to have a good time, and waiting for Midnight to roll around so they can throw themselves around the room kissing randome people and get totally bladdered. I have spent many a New Year waiting for a taxi that didn't turn up, cold and miserable and wishing I'd stayed home. I don't think I've been out anywhere for New Year for at least 6 years, possibly more.
But for once, we ARE going out. We managed to find a
pub, which is in walking distance from home, which is serving a 3 course meal (bottle of wine included, for £25), with a bar open until at least 12.30 am. So we are going, with our friends. It was a last minute decision. I'm actually looking forward to it, although it DOES mean yet another huge meal, and more booze for my already bloated body.
I hope its good. If not, i will never hear the end of it!
So what is everyone else doing for New Years? Are you all going out and doing fun and exciting things, or are you staying home, and going to bed before midnight? Whatever you get up to, I hope you have a great time. Best wishes for 2009 LJ world!