Howdy. It's Sunday evening and the weekend is fast disappearing. Firstly a belated happy Father's Day to all my 'dad' like readers. I hope you got spoiled and enjoyed some quality time with your offspring. I took my dad a bag of yummy fudge and a book that will keep him entertained for a few hours. He looked bemused when I presented him with a card AND a gift; the poor old soul had forgotten it was even Father's Day! That's what happens when you reach his great age I guess. Dementia is just a step away.
As for the weekend...... well Friday was a nightmare day for me. Work was shitty in more ways that usual. There was a disgusting smell coming from 'somewhere' in the Nursery. They thought it was a gas leak to start with but it turns out it was actually sewage. Ummmm yummy. There was a blockage or something equally gross in one the drains. So the Nursery had to close and I had to get someone to come out and fix it. But it gets better. The man they sent to inspect it had a false arm. A really BAD false arm. It reminded me of Chubby in Happy Gilmour!!
And ya know what? Once I'd realised, I couldn't stop staring at it! I think it was when he tried to open a door and kind of whacked it with his fake plastic HAND that I started giggling. I had to go outside and compose myself. I am a horrible person aren't I?
Saturday was a shopping day. I trawled all round Chester in a pair of shoes that rubbed a blister on my foot, went in nearly every, single shop, and came home with only two items. Even my shop-a-holic friend disappointed me. Despite taking 9 (yes 9) items into one changing room, she didn't buy anything. A sad day indeed.
The top I got was really nice though. It's a cream, button thru vest with a little frill at the bottom and sparkly buttons. Which when I read it back, sounds hideous. I tried finding a pic of it but the website only has a stupid flash player thing so it probably won't work.... here goes nothing:
It's on page 5, second one in The skirt, which I cannot find a picture of anywhere, is long, cream with a patchwork of different material and cut on the bias. When I got it home I realised it was actually very similar the black and silver one I bought for the my Awards Ceremony. But hey, we all know how cool THAT skirt was right? So what I I have a fixation on very similar clothing.
Saturday evening was a mildly exciting moment in my Second Life. For anyone who is NOT familiar with SL, please take a moment to
read this and to roll your eyes at just how sad I really am.
Because I hosted my very first live music event at my brand spanking new pixelated venue, The Lost Continent.
Here, see how cool it is?
I'd like to take the glory for the building of this place, but alas I cannot. My friend Josh did it all, and it looks amazing. And for some reason best known to him, he wants ME to run it for him. I've stalled, dithered, changed my mind several times, but this weekend I decided 'what the hell I may as well give it a go'. So we had an unofficial, low key launch.
Two of my amazingly talented friends did me a huge favour by DJing and singing for me, so we had some great live music, a lot of silliness and even more amazingly, people came! It wasn't a huge crowd, but it was a good turn out. I really enjoyed myself and I think everyone else did too.
I don't know how it will work out, if indeed it does. I have no idea how to 'run' a venue, but I'm gonna have fun trying. What's the worst that can happen? Oh and a huge, HUGE thank you to my Argentinian friend who took these fab photos AND who designed the kick ass logo for me. You rock chicky!!
And that is about it. Today I went food shopping to Aldi (if you haven't tried one of their stores, do it; they're GREAT!), cleaned the house (why do my cats moult so much damn fur?? i could build another, better behaved, cat with what they shed) and discovered
The Sixty One, courtesy of
lowbrid. So I spent a good part of the afternoon 'bumping' people like crazy and finding some pretty cool new music. No idea what I'm doing, but it's entertaining.
Also? I have tomorrow off work, for that god-awful boring Saturday I worked a few weeks ago so I am gloating about that and enjoying a feeling on Sunday evening freedom.
/me does a Dr Evil guffaw