Feb 08, 2008 01:46
I am so relieved that I'm finally almost completely caught up in my classes. I started my classes about four weeks ago, but I fell behind because I didn't get my books until after the first week of class because financial aid came in late. Two of the books didn't come until a week after that because they had to be special ordered. The professors also expect everyone to read a week ahead before class, so I had a lot to catch up on. There's a lot more to the story that I could go on about, but I'd rather not. The professors were pretty understanding though, so that was good. I wasn't the only one running into problems, and now I'm actually ahead of things.
I'm also excited because my writing skills have returned and improved dramatically over the weeks (though you probably can't tell here). One thing I struggled with before was that I wrote slow. I could write really good papers, but it would take a while. Now, I'm able to write really good papers quickly. Another thing that has changed dramatically is that I'm more punctual; In fact, its done a complete 180 from where it used to be. I'm often early for everything. I'm very happy with all the changes and progress I've been making,not just with school, but with everything else. I've still been stressed, but I've incorporated a lot of positivity into my life as well. I think I've found some new ideas to help treat my depression too, so hopefully that will help.
I have a meeting with a career and educational advisor tomorrow, so I'm hoping that will be helpful. I don't know. I have so much going on. I'm trying to stick to some of the more positive stuff. My next post probably won't mention school nearly as much, maybe just how the appointment turned out. I'll talk more about some of the other stuff that's been going on later, and maybe update on how my new ideas are working for the depression thing. They're very different from the things I've tried in the past. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend!