Story Title: Destiny
Story Type: Slash
Characters: Jim Kirk, Spock
Pairings: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13/NC-17
Fandom: Star Trek: 2009
Series: None
Disclaimer: They belong to a bunch of other people -I can keep hoping that I'll eventually wake up one morning and find them tied up on my floor.
Warnings: Slash, language
Summary: No matter what universe it is, if there is a Jim Kirk there, there will also be a Spock. And they will always find each other.
A/N: So this is basicly just going to be drabbles from different AU's about how the boys will always make their way to each other -after all, if there's a Jim Kirk, then there has to be a Spock, right? Enjoy peeps.
A/N2: Some of these are 'verses I've used in my other fandom, but there's no actual crossovers, so no worries on that front, lol.
A/N3: I know this isn't the usual style for Destiny, I didn't have any where else to post this. Sorry, peeps.
A/N4: ….I don't even know, guys. Seriously. What the fuck has my life turned into?
Harry Potter 'verse
“You ever wonder what would have happened if we hadn't met that first day?” Jim idly asked as he decided to make himself more comfortable by dropping his head in his boyfriend's lap.
Spock just shifted the book he was studying a little to the left and permitted himself to run his hand through Jim's hair once before focusing all his attention back on his textbook.
“Negative, Jim,” Spock answered absently. “It is illogical to spend time thinking about something that can not be changed.”
Jim rolled his eyes fondly and opened his mouth to answer when the apples in the branches above them catch his attention.
“Accio,” he muttered and waved his wand lazily in the general direction of the branches holding said apples.
It worked, of course, but Jim hadn't counted on the piece of fruit almost pegging him in the face when it fell. Lucky for him his boyfriend had those excellent Vulcan reflexes going on.
Spock caught the apple right before it hit Jim's nose, again without bothering to look away from his book.
“Thanks, babe,” Jim said, taking the apple and biting into it enthusiastically.
“Show offs,” Bones drawled as he dropped onto the ground next to them. He loosened his tie and with a sigh of relief, leaned back onto his elbows to watch as the rest of their year started emptying out onto the school grounds.
“How'd it go for you?” Jim asked his best friend, turning his head so he could look at him.
All the sixth years -which included the three of them- had their written Charm N.E.W.T this afternoon; Spock and Jim had been among the first few to finish almost an hour ago. Spock's intelligence was unmatched at Hogwarts -and that included the Ravenclaws; which, by turns, pissed them off and frustrated the hell out of them that he wasn't in their House- and Jim was no slouch, either.
Most people tended to overlook his intelligence and focused on his good looks instead; Jim liked it that way. It amused him beyond belief to shock people who forgot that and assumed him to be just another pretty face. In fact, even among his own House, only Spock and Bones were aware of how smart he really was.
“Alright,” Bones answered, shrugging a little. “Passed, at least. 'Course, my little brain isn't as strong as some people's,” he said slyly, ducking the apple core thrown at his head with the ease of years of practice.
“Asshole,” Jim said, snickering. “You're just mad 'cause I'm smarter and hotter then you. Plus, my boyfriend's gorgeous.”
“Yeah, you caught me, Jim,” Bones told him, his own humor evident. “I've been wanting Spock's pointy eared ass ever since our first year. I'm crushed that he chose you over me.”
With a roar of laughter, Jim launched himself at his best friend, starting an impromptu wrestling match.
Spock showed barely any outward interest in the ensuing chaos beyond rearranging himself so that he was situated in the lotus position. He might not look like he was paying attention to what was going on around him, but Spock knew exactly what was happening with his bondmate.
Only about 24.85% of his total concentration and attention was focused on his Potions text, the rest was busy cataloging the sights, smells and sounds surrounding them; his Vulcan heritage meant that his sense of smell and hearing were better then Humans.
That, coupled with the legendary Vulcan strength, meant that he was more then adequately able to protect what was his when the situation called for it.
And, somehow, Spock thought with wry amusement, there always seemed to be something happening around his t'hy'la.
“I don't know how you can put up with that,” a disdainful voice said from the right of him. “Doesn't it bother you?”
“Good afternoon, Nyota,” Spock said politely, closing his book and placing it on the ground next to him. He looked up at the slim girl standing by him, her black hair pulled back into a ponytail.
“As I have told you before on numerous occasions, there is nothing going on between Jim and Leonard. It is illogical to let something 'bother' me when there is no reason for it.”
“I know, Spock, but look at him,” Nyota protested, gesturing toward the two teenage boys who were currently trying to smother each other while laughing the whole time.
“He's got his hands all over McCoy -I know how Vulcans get when it comes to their significant others. He's being extremely insensitive to your cultural needs.”
Before Spock could comment on it, Jim plopped down on the ground to the left of Spock while Bones sprawled out on his back in front of them.
“Go away, Uhura,” Jim said, running two of his fingers over the back of Spock's hand in a quick Vulcan kiss; Spock could feel Jim's affection though the kiss and his lips twitched in a small smile.
“You can't have my Vulcan -find your own boyfriend. Try Scotty, him and Gaila broke up last week; he's always had a crush on you.”
“Screw you, Kirk,” Nyota hissed, her eyes flashing with temper. “I wasn't talking to you -mind your business.”
“I don't know, Ny, if you were trying to steal my significant other, I might be interested in that conversation,” Bones offered, quick to jump to his best friend's defense. “Sure, the green blooded hobgoblin isn't much to look at, but you know how Jim is about his toys.”
“I must inform you, yet again, Leonard, that I bear no relation to the mythical Terran creature that you insist on comparing myself to,” Spock said with the kind of casual disdain that Vulcans excelled at; but if you knew him, you could hear that dry humor in his tone.
Jim knew how much both Spock and Bones enjoyed their verbal sparring; it was their second favorite activity next to harassing Jim about his safety.
“If I did not know better, I would assume you were as unintelligent as your appearance indicates you to be,” Spock continued, his voice not betraying the amusement Jim could feel though their bond.
“Aren't they adorable?” Jim asked Nyota, rolling his eyes as Bones started gesturing wildly as he told Spock off. “I keep expecting them to offer up a three way any day now.”
He looked over and chuckled at the look of disgust that was on her face. “Come on, Ny, admit it: you'd do them. Hell, everyone in school knows you're just dying to ride Spock and Bones is pretty good looking, so -”
“You're such an asshole, Kirk,” Nyota spit out and clenched her hands like she wanted to take a swing at him. “I don't know how Spock puts up with your shit. And, in case you're curious, not everyone fucks their friends like you do.”
“Wow, you wound me,” Jim said, clutching a hand to his chest dramatically. “Seriously, I might start crying soon.
“And, in case, you're curious, Uhura, rumors of my promiscuity have been greatly exaggerated. If I was fucking half the people in this place that they said I was, I wouldn't have time for anything else.”
“I don't know, Kirk,” a cold voice interrupted their usual go around. “I know plenty of people that would swear to having you underneath them.”
They both turned to look at the Slytherins that had come up behind them, Jim getting to his feet so he was at eye level with them. He barely noticed when Spock and Bones moved to flank him; Spock on his right and Bones on his left. Bones maneuvered it so Nyota was slightly behind him. Whatever their usual love/hate relationship might be with Nyota Uhura, all three of them had an unspoken agreement to protect her from the people ranged out in front of them.
Actually, their whole group usually tried to protect both Nyota and Gaila, but no one else was around right now; Scotty was in the Infirmary -for the third time in as many months- after blowing up most of the classroom during their practical Transfiguration exam yesterday afternoon, Karu was in the Herbology greenhouse helping re-pot the Mandrakes, Pasha was holed up in the Ravenclaw common room trying to figure out a way to shorten the time it took to graduate so he could do it in three years instead of the usual seven and Gaila was organizing a protest against the School Directors for not letting them have Tribbles as pets.
“Are you kidding me, Nero? I wouldn't trust the people you know as far as I could throw them,” Jim scoffed, completely unfazed by the Romulan's words. “Plus, I bet they were in Slytherin -and I'd fuck a Gorn before I'd let one of you douches touch me.”
“What the hell are you doing outside, anyway?” Bones asked, keeping his eyes focused on Gary; he knew he could trust Jim and Spock to take care of Nero and Ayel. “They only gave us three hours to finish Charms -there's no way you guys should be able to do it that fast.”
“I think you may be wrong, Leonard; if rumor is to be believed, I have heard it stated -95 times, to be exact- that they are indeed, 'that fast'. Predominantly by females, I must add,” Spock said blandly, his voice innocent.
There was a pause before it sank in and then Jim and Bones were roaring with laughter; even Nyota looked semi-amused.
“You're the snarkiest Vulcan, ever,” Jim said admirably, in between laughs. “If I wasn't already keeping you, that would have convinced me.”
“'That's what she said',” Bones managed to gasp out even though he was practically doubled over. “No one ever believes me when I say you have a sense of humor.”
“I am sure I have no idea what you mean; Vulcans do not possess a sense of humor,” Spock told him and raised his eyebrow when that made them both laugh harder.
With a snarl, Nero (Jim couldn't be assed to learn how to say any of his last names; he learned Spock's, back when they were still first years, but him and Spock have always been him and Spock, where as with Nero Jim would be perfectly happy if he went home for winter break one year and never came back) pulled out his wand; prompting everyone else to do the same.
“One day, you're going to push me too far, Kirk,” Nero hissed, his wand hand shaking slightly. “I wish you'd have just died when -”
“I'd be very careful how you finish that fucken sentence,” Jim told him, his voice completely devoid of any emotion.
Nero started to sneer, but broke off when he saw the look on Spock's face.
“Komack coming up,” Nyota muttered when she saw the head of Slytherin heading for them.
Everyone hurried to put their wands away and attempted to act like they were having a conversation instead of wishing death on each other.
“What's going on here?” Komack demanded as he stopped by the students.
“Nothing, Professor,” Nyota answered politely, nothing about her tone or words betraying her intense dislike of the man in front of them. “We were just comparing notes on how exams have been going so far.”
Komack looked over the assorted students standing in front of him and seemed to accept Nyota's words.
“Mr. McCoy, your uniform seems to be in some disarray,” Komack pointed out some what gleefully; his hatred for Gryffindor was well known and he loved any chance he got to catch them wrong footed. “Ten points from Gryffindor for your slovenly appearance.”
Bones glared at the Slytherins who were grinning openly at them; he was especially put out since neither Mitchell nor Ayel's uniforms were in pristine condition.
“Professor, that does not seem logical considering that students from your own house appear to be in a greater disorderliness then Leonard is,” Spock said before either Jim or Bones could say anything; despite the way they argued with each other, Leonard was just as much his friend as he was Jim's -and Spock thought there would be less likely a chance for this to end in detention if he was the one to speak up.
“You make an excellent point, Spock,” a new voice said, causing everyone but Spock to start in surprise.
“Ten points each from Slytherin for Gary and Ayel's appearances,” Professor Pike continued, his lips quirked in an almost smile at the look of disgust on his fellow professor's face. “Why don't you head inside -I have it on good authority that there's going to be a surprise inspection before dinner.”
“Shit,” Jim cursed, already turning his attention away from the Slytherins. “Our dorm's a mess.”
“Language,” Pike told him, gently slapping the back of his head.
Jim grinned at him and shrugged as he tangled his fingers with Spock's. “Thanks for the heads up, Professor.”
“I knew we shouldn't have agreed that the house elves didn't have to clean our dorms this year,” Bones said glumly, envisioning the mess that was awaiting them.
“Thank god I'm in a different house then you idiots -and that I'm a girl and can keep my room clean,” Nyota told them, smirking.
“It should not take us too long to clean,” Spock offered, flicking his wand to send his Potions book into his hand as they walked past it. “I have read a new spell in our Charms text that could be modified...”
Pike watched them go, shaking his head fondly when he saw the way they argued over each other on their way inside; some times Jim reminded him exactly of George.