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energy_purple December 25 2011, 12:55:23 UTC
Oh my God, I fucking love you! Just absolutely fucking love you! I swear, this is the best Xmas present I've ever had! It was just absolutely spectacular!

I loved the beginning! Growly, jealous and overly possessive Chris is just so damn hot it's unreal! The way he got all pissed off at Lex for feeding off of somebody else, and the way he made an example of him by pinning him to the floor and attacking him was legit one of the sexiest things I think I have ever read! I adored the way that Lex could feel all of Chris' feelings and emotions, and the way that Lex debates not telling him so he can experience Chris in full dominant mode, before changing his mind when he feels how upset Chris is was just so awesome! I fucking loved all of their teasing and bonding! :D

That bit when Petey walked in and theu were both totally distracted actually made me giggle so bad! You could so imagine them not noticing he was there because they were trying to start round 2! But the way that Chris was trying to fix things between him and Petey, and how Petey just got really angry and started to be such an asshole was just so awesome! I really hated Petey in this, and that's saying something! But he's such a stupid fucker, touching Chris like that; he totally deserved Lex going absolutely ape-shit on him after everything he said to Chris!

You have no idea just how much it made my heart hurt when Lex started to take to heart everything that Petey was saying about him, and how he became convinced that he didn't deserve Chris. It was just so heartbreaking, and the way that Chris used their bond to try and tell him how much he loved him was such a beautiful moment. I love how Lex was able to trust Chris enough to give him a litte bit of a snapshot into his past, and the way that Chris could sense how badly Lex had been hurt by Shanne in the past was written so perfectly; you could really feel the bond between them, and I adored it to pieces :)

Stupid Petey, he got what he fucking deserved! I would've preferred Chris to beat the shit out of him for being such a hypocritical asshole, but I'm still glad he paid! I can't believe he thought that Shanne was bluffing, and that he was willing to risk Chris' life just for some extra money! The bastard! He didn't deserve Chris, I'm so glad that Chris left him for Lex!

That last little section was just so amazingly done! You could really feel all of the emotion and the connection between Chris and Lex, and the way that Lex goes out of his way to make Chris feel loved and adored just highlights how deep and strong their friendship and their bond is! I just adored it, and it sets it up perfectly for another chapter in the future... *hint hint* :P

I just... I just fucking adored it hun. I just can't tell you how much I absolutely loved it to death! This was just the best Christmas present ever! It was just absolutely perfect. Simply stunning :)


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