random 'ship meme

Nov 15, 2011 10:11

So, I was going thru my random doc's and found this 'ship meme. It came out a little weird, mostly because I'm not into enough 'ships to cover it, but I gave it a go. Enjoy, peeps

Six ships you're into right now

1. MMG
2. Punk/Colt
3. Team Chismo

Three ships you liked but don't like anymore

7. Hardycest
8. Miz/Morrison
9. Almost any WWE pairing, really -no offense to my friends who still 'ship them

Four ships you never liked
10. Undertaker/Kane
11. Punk/Jeff Hardy
12. Punk/JBL
13. Punk/Undertaker

Two ships you're curious about, but don't actually ship
14. Joey Ryan/Peter Avalon -don't judge me, fuckers
15. Chuck Taylor/...

Why do you dislike 11 so much?
Lots of reasons, the main being that Punk would never date someone who uses -and that's not me being a mark, or at least, not just me being a mark. I honestly couldn't even picture them kissing, never mind getting together. Hell, I heard they could barley stand to talk to each other outside of the ring.

Who is someone you know that ships 14?
No one -and it sucks ass, let me tell you. I wish I could find someone who 'ships any of the PWG guys and not just Joey.

What would be your ideal scenario for 3?
Let's see... It would involve handcuffs, that's for sure. And take place around Christmas since Chismo fic would be the best Christmas present EVER.

Which is your favorite moment for 1?
There's so many; it's hard to choose. I'll go with any time they're in the ring together. What? It's an answer!

How long have you been following 6?
*looks at empty space and clears throat* Um, for a while....

What’s with 8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
Honestly, I got tired of seeing them every where. I was never a huge Morrison fan to begin with and then they were paired up every where and I wanted to shoot them. I think that's the problem with most of the WWE 'ships, tbh.

You have the power to make one ship nonexistent. Choose between 10 or 12.
Twelve, without a doubt. I don't like JBL to begin with and the idea of him with anyone is enough to make my stomach rebel, but Punk? Uh, no. He deserves better then that. Besides, everyone knows Punk likes Jewish boys....

Which ship do you prefer? 2 or 4?
Considering I don't have four filled in, I'll go with two. I probably would have anyway, but there we are.

What interests you about 15?
Legit, I just love Chuck Taylor. He's obnoxious, an asshole, sarcastic, funny and he can wrestle. Plus, I just think he's one of those guys who could be paired up with almost anyone.

Why did you stop liking 7?
Honestly, I stopped liking the Hardy's. I don't want to get into it and depress myself 'cause I used to be a moron.

Did your waning interest in 9 kill your interest in the show/book/manga/game?
Well, it wasn't the annoying 'ships alone that made me hate WWE, but they didn't help either.

What’s a song that reminds you of 5?
Since I don't have five filled in, I'll do a song for the three 'ships I do have. First up, MMG; More Than Words by Extreme. And, honestly, that's mostly because I know what a snob Shelley is about music and he'd flip shit, but besides that Love Song by The Cure. Punk/Colt; either Master and Servant by Depeche Mode or If You Only Knew by Shinedown. As for Team Chismo... Hmm, I'll have to get back to you guys on that one.

If you could have any two of these pairings on a double date, who would it be?
Oh, god, definitely the Guns and Chismo. The idea of Dragon and Shelley in the same place is enough to make anyone giddy and with Sabin and Ex to egg them on, poor Disco would have his hands full trying to keep everyone out of jail.

Have 2 kissed yet?
Are you kidding me? They've kissed, topped, bottomed, switched, handcuffed, kinked and done just about everything in between and beyond.

Did 4 have a happy ending? Do you think a happy ending is likely?
Well, it's not filled in but my fics have happy endings 99.9% of the time.

What would make you start shipping 14?
Inspiration is all I ask for.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, 2 or 6?
I'd say 2 since I don't have six filled in, lol. But it's already happened; real love is real.

You have the power to decide the fate of 10. What's happens to them?
They go back to their careers and I never have to think about them again.

Which do you dislike the most?
I can't pick just one -I hate them all. They be-low and not in a good way. I mean, I admit to being extremely picky about my 'ships, but come on! What the fuck were people thinking with that shit?

Which of these ships do you love the most?
No doubt, MMG. They are true bff's and bff love is sexy. Plus, I dare you to watch any match of theirs -or interview/promo- and tell me those two aren't doing each other.

random, mmg, second city saints, meme, team chismo

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