So, I thought I'd upload this since I just found it on my laptop again. PWG's Seven in two separate download's -sorry about that guys, my laptop was being all retarded and shit. I strongly recommend it for anyone who loves wrestling. And Sabin's on here, along with Hero, Roddy, Danielson and a lot of other wrestlers. It also has Scott Lost's last wrestling match. I may be a little biased, but, really, it's worth checking out. Here's the match by match list for anyone who wants to know. Oh, and just so I'm not repeating myself constantly: Excalibur is the best commentator, ever. He's funny as fuck and I absolutely adore wrestlers on comm, and he's obviously no exception.
PWG Seven Part 1: Brandon Gatson, Johnny Goodtime and Candice LeRae vs Peter Avalon, Malachi Jackson and Ryan Taylor Candice is my favorite women's wrestler, ever, and this match showcases exactly why. Lots of 'fuck him up, Candice, fuck him up' chants, a couple Ballplex's and, of course, the kind of shenanigans that goes along with any PWG six man tag match. If you're not used to seeing chick wrestlers do anything besides slap each other and pull hair, watch this and you'll understand why I cringe every time I see a Diva's match in WWE.
Brandon Bonham vs Brian Cage Cage's first PWG match and the PWG crowd is as foul mouthed as usual. Good match, pretty even for the most part, until Bonham lands Hammer of the Gods, which is strangely familiar for some reason...
Chris Sabin vs Akira Towaza What can I say about Sabin that I haven't already said? Awesome match; lots of thigh action, Sabin flipping off fans and just losing his temper half way thru the match and beating the shit out of Towaza. Sabin shows off his tech skills, too; everyone knows what an excellent technical wrestler Shelley is, and they tend to forget Sabin's no slouch, either. He pulls off a ton of awesome spots and seems to have borrowed Shelley's dickhead attitude for the night. And I do enjoy just looking at him, I can't lie.
Scott Lost vs Scorpio Sky Lost's last wrestling match. I'm not a huge fan of his -even if he does hang out with Joey Ryan, who is all kinds of awesome- but I was sad to see him go. He's been with PWG since the beginning, so it stings a little to know he's done. I can't stand Scorpio Sky, but he knows his way around the ring, I have to give him that much. It's a good final match for Lost, who is an awesome wrestler in his own right. He gives a speech after wards that carries over into the second part for a couple minutes.
PWG Seven Part 2: Bryan Danielson vs Roderick Strong Dragon's first match after he lost NXT and got fired from WWE. Dragon got a huge pop when Excalibur announced him, and he had the crowd for almost the whole match. Tons of the usual Dragon chants; 'fuck him up, Dragon, fuck him up', 'you're gonna get your fucken head kicked in', 'best in the world' and 'he has until five' but accompanied by some funny new ones this time as well. Plus, some assault is committed by both Dragon and Roddy. And, let me tell you, Dragon's face when he goes after Roddy with that damn tie is enough to get anyone going. Dragon gives a little speech after. This is the kind of match I wanna show to VKM and the rest of the morons over at WWE so they know what it looks like when you let matches go for longer then five minutes and have two wrestlers who both know what the hell they're doing..
Davey Richards vs Chris Hero World Championship Title Match Hero's another one of my faves; he's a great technician -pattern, anyone?- and he's easy on the eyes. Not necessary to make it on my list, but it doesn't hurt. Davey's pretty good, too, so they would have had to fuck up royally to have a bad match. Although, I've seen some really bad matches with good wrestlers, so you never know. Anyway, good match, lots of mat based action if you like to watch that kind of thing. Also, Hero's got some nice thighs on him. Not as nice as Sabin's, but, really, who's are?
El Generico & Paul London vs Nick and Matt Jackson (Generation Me) vs The Cutler Brothers in Guerrilla Warfare Match for the Tag Team Titles To be honest, I couldn't even bring myself to really watch this match. I know who won, but that's about all. It's got a ton of people I really don't like in it -I'm not fond of Gen Me at all and don't get me started on fucken Paul London, who's descended to new levels of stupidity and, I suspect, jealousy. The Cutlers annoy me, which, by itself, isn't enough to usually keep from watching a match, but combined with the other three, it signed the death warrant for this one.
So, there it is. Whoever decides to download this, I hope you liked it.
Oh, and here's a Roddy vid for
candy_belle. Sorry, it took me so long to upload it for you, but better late then never, right? Enjoy it, sweetie; it has tons of the things that make Roddy so yummy. Well, except for the felonies, but I have yet to find those on film... And the the Genesis '09 match for the X Division title Sabin v Shelley. Enjoy, sweetie. It's a good one -of course, I maintain that only a Gun can showcase another Gun to the best of their ability. I also especially love when Sabin kips up around 4:20, I can't stop staring at his his shoulders there. They go hold for hold and move for move for almost the whole thing. Plus, check out the bestie hug at the end.