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energy_purple March 24 2011, 22:44:09 UTC

Oh my god, you have no idea how happy I am that John fucking finally got his ass in gear and stopped being a coward long enough to actually go after Evan! I was actually starting to think that it'd never happen! All we need now is for Mike to get his act together over Alex, and it'll be one big happy family!

I honestly wanted to slap John over his stupidity, I can't believe that if it wasn't for Chris, Alex and Mike, he'd have done nothing again! I was so damn proud of Evan for finally calling him out on his shit, even if it was sad that he'd become so convinced that John didn't want him that he'd given up hope. I absolutely adored the characterisations here, and just the contrast between Evan and John's personalities and the way they dealt with the situation in their own ways really helped to highlight little details about them that give them so much depth and dimension.

We all knew that when they finally got together it was going to be an explosion, and you certainly didn't disappoint! It was hot, it was hard, and yet it was still meaningful, just like the way you'd expect their first time to be under the circumstances. It's things like that which really help to establish the dynamics and the connection within the bonds :)

I totally adored Chris and Alex in this part! I love how Chris' talk to Evan was almost exactly identical to Alex's, it really shows just how soul deep their connection and bond is that you really can't separate them on anything, even their thoughts and words mirror each other! I fucking love how you keep giving us little insights into their past, and I swear that I would honestly kill to read about Alex and Chris' first time, especially considering how much it obviously means to both of them. Just the little details you thread into their relationship and the way they interact with each other is absolutely stunning, you can really feel the strength of their bond and how much they truly adore each other, even if they aren't all girly about it. In the last line, you could really feel all of Chris' affection and adoration for Alex come through in just that simple little sentence, you could so picture Alex getting all embarrassed about it while Chris smiles at him :)

Man, Alex and Mike together made me laugh so damn much, it's no surprise that they're such good friends with their shared sense of humor and smutty natures! They're just so vicious and snarky, and you can't help but love them for it! You could totally imagine them and Chris making bets and trying to listen in on John and Evan in the woods, they're all such nosey horndogs! It's little things like this that really help to make this fic as good as it is, just the normal things that show the levels of friendships and relationships and how they exist within the pack as a whole :)

This part truly was utterly spectacular, and in so many ways! The real emphasis on the bonds and relationships, all the emotion, the tension, you've pulled it all together and just created the most amazingly perfect blend to draw people in and make them want more and more every single time! I seriously adore this fic, and this was just the perfect example of everything that is good about it! I'm absolutely dying for the next bit and to see what happens next, this is just getting better and better! :)


darkangel_0410 March 24 2011, 22:58:01 UTC
Aw, thanks. I'm glad you liked it so much. I'm happy John finally got his ass in order, too. I swear, he's given me more problems in this story then everyone else combined.

Thanks again for reading and the awesome feedback.


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