girls like girls and boys and love isn't a choice...

Jan 24, 2014 12:38

Bored, so...

Another character meme; send me a character and I'll tell you:

1. What I like about them
2. What I dislike about them
3. Favourite moment
4. Least favourite moment
5. A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
6. An interesting AU for this character
7. A crossover
8. OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
9. Other ( Read more... )

meme, bored

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sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 02:16:26 UTC
Is wrestling still acceptable?


darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 02:23:54 UTC
Well, I could give it a try...


sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 03:38:26 UTC
Just curious.

I'm gonna send you Sam Winchester, because I just finished watching the last ep of SPN and I'm curious to see your answers.


sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 04:16:19 UTC
1. What I like about them: His intelligence, how much he loves his brother, his willingness to throw himself in front of a bullet -metaphorically and literally- for said brother, random people and the world in general ( ... )


Re: sam: sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 04:19:26 UTC
I love the show, but it's getting to the point where I want to lock the two of them in a room and bash their heads together. If one of them isn't lying, the other is, and it's frustrating. Dean will yell at Sam about keeping things from him, when he's doing the same thing, and vice versa. It happens every season now and it NEEDS. TO. STOP.

I ship Dean/Sam too. It was actually my first & only ship until Cas came along (are you going to hit me for shipping Destiel?). It's probably my favorite because both of them are just so fucked up.


Re: sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 04:28:12 UTC
Exactly. Like, this shit was understandable eight seasons ago when Sam was fresh out school and you were afraid he was going to ditch you first chance he got, but, jesus fuck, enough is enough. Stop that shit, fucktards.

Yeah, it is beyond fucked up and I think I love it because it so fucken obvious that they depend on each other for everything else, that I can see sex entering the picture at some point easily.

Nah, lol. I actually have nothing against Destiel shippers; I mainly got turned off of shipping them because of the way most Destiel writers portray Sam in fic. And, honestly, I've always believed that Dean used Cas as a substitute for Sam when he thought that Sam was gone from his life for good.


Re: sam: sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 04:37:41 UTC
I really think the show's gone on too long. I personally think that Season 5 was a great ending point, like Kripke had originally planned. I haven't enjoyed the following seasons as much. I just want to tell them both to get the fuck over it. Shit happened, there's more important stuff to worry about now. Stop whining.

I always like the fucked up ships. I don't think it's a coincidence that so many people assume that they're gay, and I'd say that the first time they actually had sex was probably when they were both teenagers.

Ugh. I hate when fic writers do that. I have a love/hate relationship with Sam because of how the writers have portrayed him. Sometimes he's so whiny and childish that it makes me just really dislike him.


Re: sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 04:49:38 UTC
Yeah, season five was an awesome one. Kripke's saying ten now and I definitely think that that should be the stopping point. Anything else would be complete overkill, imo.

Yeah, I definitely agree; in between John never being there, their rampant trust issues and how often they moved around, it would not surprise me at all that they were banging on the regular. I'd lay odds that Dean was Sam's first, too. For them, too, I think it's a basically gay for you scenario, you know?

Tell me about it -I fucken hate those writers sometimes. They do it to Dean, too. And Cas even. I can't tell you how often I'll be watching the show and going, "Jesus fuck, Sam is completely OOC in this one."

It's even worse with fanfic writers; I'm usually really fucken picky about what Wincest fic I'll read for exactly that reason. And I don't really even like talking about Supernatural on tumblr because, let's be real, SPN fandom is fucken infamous for it's wank and that shit's just not cool.


Re: sam: sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 04:55:20 UTC
10 is enough. They're running out of ideas as it is and everything's just getting recycled. Though I do love Crowley.

It probably started out as a comfort thing, because Dean always felt the need to protect his brother (even now--Sam's like, what, 30?). I think that Dean was probably the top because I just can't see him bottoming for anyone. Unless Sam really, really wanted it, maybe.

Oh God, yes. I hate when they do that. Sometimes I wonder if they've just brought in writers that haven't even watched an episode of the show.

I've written SPN fanfic, but most of it hasn't been posted, because aside from wrestling, the SPN fandom is the fucking worst one I have ever been in. I barely even talk to people in the fandom because they will jump your shit and cut you down if you disagree with them. I don't even bother doing it on tumblr.


Re: sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 05:10:12 UTC
Crowley is easily one of the best parts of the show for me; Mark Sheppard is doing an awesome job with him.

Yeah, Dean's too much of a control freak to enjoy bottoming -like you said, if Sam specifically asked for it and really wanted it, then I can see him going for it, maybe. I also have this really weird head canon where John knows something's up with them, knows their relationship is weird and probably unhealthy, but he ignores it and just keeps drowning himself in alcohol and chasing after the demon that killed Mary.

I know! And the thing that really frustrates me is that the acting is usually really fucken good, you know? But then the writers come along and fuck everything up.

I come on here and I'll talk SPN, but any where else is usually completely off the board. The way the SPN fandom just turns on each other on semi-regular basis is such a fucken turn off that it amazes me anyone stays in the fucken fandom in the first place.


Re: sam: sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 05:18:09 UTC
His one liners are awesome.

It's not weird. I can see it, but John's so preoccupied with his own problems and blaming himself for letting his wife die that he just can't be bothered to care. I think he knows, but he doesn't really know how to bring it up. And Dean would try to hide it from John because, well, they don't have the best relationship.

Season 2 is probably my favorite season. I miss when it was just Sam & Dean, the demons, and when it focused on the relationship between them. That was always my favorite part of the show: before they were broken.

It's fucking ridiculous. People will tell you to kill yourself over a goddamn tv show.


Re: sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 05:32:46 UTC
Yeah, Dean's busy trying to get John's approval for -well, anything, really, trying to get his acknowledgement for everything he's ever done and John can't be assed to even say 'thanks for raising your brother for me, I appreciate it.' And then John wondered why Sam ran off and even when he did come back, he didn't ever fucken care for what John said or wanted him to do; it was only ever Dean that mattered like that to Sam. Brother, father, mother, protector, teacher, Dean was everything for Sam and I think by the time John actually understood that Dean was the only one Sam would ever listen to, would ever want to listen to, it was too late. Sam even said it himself when John came back and he was bitching about it to Dean and Dean was like, "that's just Dad's way" and Sam was basically like "fuck Dad, it's always been you and me and that's the way it should be".

Oh, I know. It's so fucked, it's insane.


Re: sam: sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 08:55:22 UTC
This is the most mature conversation I have had about Supernatural in a long time. It's nice to not have my head bitten off because of my choice of ship.

How do you feel about John? He's pretty polarizing, I've found--most people in the SPN fandom either love him or hate him, no in between.


Re: sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 13:01:32 UTC
Right? It's a pretty nice feeling to just be able to discuss various things and not get screamed out over it.

Ah, John. Honestly, I don't like him: he basically made sure his kids would never have a normal life and then didn't even have the decency to make sure his kids knew he loved them. Because I do think he genuinely loved Dean and Sam, but he loved Mary dead more than he ever loved his kids alive. What about you?


Re: sam: sparkly_shiny January 25 2014, 19:03:20 UTC
Honestly? I pretty much hate the character. I've seen people in the fandom defend him, and I don't understand how they can. It's his fault that Dean never got to enjoy being a child. Dean basically had to raise himself and Sam while John took off on some stupid goose chase for answers that he would never find. Bobby was more of a father to Sam and Dean than John ever was, and it's really sad that Dean spent his whole life up until John's death trying to get his approval. Sam was smart enough to see John for what he really was. I hated when John came back and tried to be a father again, because I knew he had other motives. And he did, he always did.

Sorry, I went off on a rant there. Yeah, I reeeeally don't like John Winchester. I don't care what his reasons were; he was a piece of shit father. I'm glad they had Bobby.


Re: sam: darkangel_0410 January 25 2014, 20:53:43 UTC
No, I understand completely -John is a bastard, no argument. It's also his fault that Dean is two steps away from being a functional alcoholic.


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