I would kill puppies for a cover of Patrick singing "Hallelujah" but I get why it's probably never going to happen
OH. MY. GOD. YOU MOTHERFUCK YOU I THINK MY HEART JUST BROKE and I had this mental image of Patrick singing that to Pete and that should probably never happen ever in the entire history of the world but at the same time my brain is all "LOOK AT THIS ISN'T AMAZING AND TERRIBLE AT THE SAME TIME I THINK YOU SHOULD WRITE ABOUT IT"
I shouldn't even that's just TERRIBLE that's literally just morally wrong.
I know, he is really the world's best/worst drive by smoocher, but it was like... the combination of the smooch with THAT SONG. "It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?" And at THAT MOMENT, you know? And that motherfucker PLANNED it, because he stood there and he WAITED for that line.
Dude Patrick's voice is straight magic. Like a siren. I saw a post on tumblr where someone said if they were in a coma and someone played Phoenix to them, they'd wake up to scream the "HEYYYYYYYYYY YOUNGBLOODS" part. And I was just like "Yep that's about right."
There's this one clip of them (I didn't post it because the audio was terrible) but Pete, like, stalked around Patrick until that line came up. Hold on...
There it is (turn your volume down, trust me on this). Pete, you sly motherfucker.
Exactly! I honestly don't get how people can just not like his voice or just say he's a crap singer. Like....have you listened to Soul Punk? Cork Tree? Folie? TTTYG? IOH? ANYTHING? Patrick, a bad singer? It does not compute.
I can't even understand what's going on in the video but I like the kissing part. Is that during Hum Hallelujah? I could see why Pete would be very near to Patrick's personal space on that song. "Hi, I'm still here, I love you *smooch* everything is okay"
But at the same time like that's why (or how) I could see Patrick singing that to Pete. Almost the same kind of "Hey, I'm glad you're still here, you made it, I love you, you're okay now"
My boyfriend likes to tell me that Patrick is a bad singer, but I think he just likes to get a rise out of me. I don't CARE if you don't like FOB or Soul Punk or whatever (I mean, you're wrong, but you are entitled to your own opinions, I guess) but I mean his voice is good beyond opinion.
It came up when I was looking for a good Mr. Brightside video, so I'm gonna guess that it's that one, but fuck if I know for sure. He used to go up to Patrick for Hum Hallelujah, lean against his back, rub his face against the back of Patrick's neck; this was back in '05, right after IOH came out and they were touring for it. I haven't noticed him doing it for this tour yet, but it's possible we just haven't gotten good enough footage to see it.
I can see that, but I still feel like it would be heart wrenching, you know? Patrick did a q&a back before SRAR came out, when they were still being sneaky bastards and denying that they were recording anything. Anyways, lol, someone asked him what his favorite version of Hallelujah was (which, just why? do you enjoy the idea of making people cry?) and he said Lenard Cohen's because it meant a lot to him. Talk about heart wrenching.
I try to be objective about things, even fannish ones. If someone has a well-thought out opinion and they're like, "this is why..." I can usually see their side of things even if I vehemently disagree with it. But when it comes to Fall Out Boy and Patrick Stump's voice, it never happens. No matter what your argument or reasoning is, Patrick Stump is always going to have the best voice of out generation and that is just the way it is.
God, that is precious. I feel like Pete hasn't been like... ON Patrick as much as he used to be, you know? I mean, it could be what you say, there just isn't the footage of it, but come on. We're not the only fangirls, if Pete and Patrick do ANYTHING, there are fangirls to record it. We would know. It would be on tumblr. But I just feel like... it doesn't happen as often. Maybe Patrick is just too uncomfortable with the Peterick thing... or they're just older now and it isn't cute anymore... I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. (Prove me wrong Pete, by all means.)
Oh I didn't know it was the Leonard Cohen version. I guess I always assumed it was the Jeff Buckley cover, I knew that one was the more popular of all the covers... the Leonard Cohen original is my favorite as well. I'm never going to hear that song the same way now.
And even though it all went wrong, I'll stand before the Lord of Song with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.
Oh sweet lord I am positively brimming with feels right now.
Patrick Stump is always going to have the best voice of our generation and that is just the way it is
I've seen some Peterick moments (mostly during Grand Theft Autumn and Saturday, which is too Pete); but mostly, now, it's glances across the stage, the way they look and and banter with each other on stage. There are times that I've seen Pete go out of his way to be by Patrick (Like I saw this clip of him dashing behind Joe to get to Patrick's side when he sung "what a match, I'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet" during Disloyal Order). I feel like before it was both Pete needing to reassure Patrick that he wasn't alone onstage and Patrick needing that assurance. Now,he doesn't. I kind of think of it like the next step in their relationship.
Every time I hear, "Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah" always hit me hard and then coupled with "So, hum 'Hallelujah' just off the key of reason. I thought I loved you but it was just how you looked in the light", it kills me.
I feel like before it was both Pete needing to reassure Patrick that he wasn't alone onstage and Patrick needing that assurance. Now,he doesn't. I kind of think of it like the next step in their relationship.
Awwwwwwwwww god damn it you guys
I always LOVED that line "I thought I loved you but it's just how you looked in the light" because goddamn. That one and "I sing the blues and I swallow them too" I didn't get that line right away but when I did it like blew my fucking mind.
So... I mean... I shouldn't want to write this thing I want to write... right? I'd go straight to hell. And Patrick would be really disappointed in me.
Then again he'd probably be really disappointed if he saw the porn I wrote the other day. I don't want Patrick to be disappointed in me... even hypothetically... but damn did I enjoy that porn.
They are ridiculous, aren't they? I feel like Pete would be the best friend you ever had, but also could moonlight as a serial killer and you would not be surprised at either one of those.
Yes. And "I love you in the same way there's a chapel in a hospital: one foot in your bedroom and one foot out the door" because for three months after he got out of the hospital, Pete refused to talk to anyone except for his therapist and when Patrick got back from Europe, he went over to Pete's every day and sat outside his bedroom door and passed notes underneath the door for three months. I can't even comprehend that kind of friendship -I like to think I'm a good friend, I try, but that's just unreal. And they've both said that they're even closer now. How is that possible? Do they share the same brain now or what?
I'm torn because I want to egg you on but I feel like it might make me cry to read it.
I don't want Patrick to be disappointed in me... even hypothetically
I really hope he never gets a look at my browser history.
I feel like Pete would be the best friend you ever had, but also could moonlight as a serial killer and you would not be surprised at either one of those.
These facts are also true. It just depends on whether or not you're on his bad side. When Pete loves you, he LOVES you. Hell, YOU could be a serial killer and Pete would still love you.
when Patrick got back from Europe, he went over to Pete's every day and sat outside his bedroom door and passed notes underneath the door for three months.
Are you fucking serious. Are you... fucking... I can't. Jesus christ. I've never had a friend like that in my motherfucking life, like, I don't even know what something like that feels like. This is so dumb, but I could almost cry at that.
I'm torn because I want to egg you on but I feel like it might make me cry to read it.
I feel like it might make me cry to write it, so.
Then again I definitely cried at "With The Moon In His Arms" which is probably more embarrassing, when you think about it.
I really hope he never gets a look at my browser history.
Or my hard drive. Or my tumblr account. Or my LJ. Or my bookmarks.
Like, Patrick? Could murder people in front of Pete and Pete would just smile and help him hide the bodies when he was done.
I feel you; it made me tear up when I first heard that and it's one of the reasons Hum Hallelujah strikes me so hard. It's kind of an upbeat song until you know the story behind it and then it beats you until your a crying mess of feelings.
Don't know how true it is, but supposedly the record company wanted to release Hum Hallelujah as a single and the band wouldn't sign off on it. I do know that Pete's said in interviews that the songs that mean the most to him don't get released for radio.
Well, if you write it, you know I'll read it, so that'll be two of us crying, lol.
Then again I definitely cried at "With The Moon In His Arms"
When he got changed back into a mermaidman, and Patrick had to put him back into the lake and then went home and fell apart, right? I think everyone who read that cried.
Just, in general, he should stay away from any of my elctronic devices, including my phone.
"Hey Patrick, what're you doin? Oh, killing that guy? OK. Do you need some paper towels or anything? Let me know when we need to move the body. I'll go make some coffee." as he heads off with a smile and a wave.
Pete's said in interviews that the songs that mean the most to him don't get released for radio.
I was okay when Pete started turning back into a merguy, and I was okay when Patrick took Pete back to the water, and then he left... then Patrick came home and I think he had a pillow that smelled like Pete or something and then I just was like tears, everywhere. And I'm sitting there going "Goddamn it I refuse to cry at a fic where Pete is a merman. This is stupid."
Now I want to read it again. A fic where PETE WENTZ is a goddamned MER-PERSON has NO FUCKING BUSINESS being that good.
I think my phone would be the only thing that I wouldn't worry about Patrick seeing. I might have a couple errant texts in there, but come on man I'm only human.
And the whole time he's thinking, "I wonder what that guy did to piss off 'Trick; he hasn't killed anyone in years."
Yeah, could you imagine the press tours for that? "So, Pete, the new single, GISNASFS, what's that about?" "Funny story, so, I wrote that because I'm in love with my best friend, right?" *camera pans to Patrick who is bright red and trying to hide under his hat* *Pete grins and eyes Patrick up lewdly* "Well, I give him the lyrics and then go home. Guess who shows up at my house and bangs me right then and there? Yeah, turns out Lunchbox was in love with me the whole time, Crazy, right?"
Did you ever read The Right Way Up by the same writer? Like, seriously, I shouldn't like mpreg as much as I do that fic. It's just ridiculous.
My phone has tons of bookmarks, fics actually saved and my wallpaper is a fucken Peterick pic, so yeah, love you Patrick, but stay far away from my phone, at all costs.
Hey, uh... why does he call Patrick Lunchbox? I saw on tumblr that Lunchbox is like slang for penis or something? (Which is also something I could see Pete doing just to make Patrick blush. I can't say I blame him, if I could make Patrick blush at will I'm sure I would too)
I did not read that one. I mean, I guess if I'm going to read an mpreg I'd read hers because if she can make me cry at a MerPete then I guess she knows what she's doing.
Honestly, I think it is the penis thing -he was always really adamant that no one else call Patrick that, so you can only imagine what it means to Pete, lol. I always wonder how far down Patrick's blush goes; I mean, he's pretty pale, so it's probably pretty far, right?
Here's the link: http://miserylovedme.livejournal.com/19346.html It's actually a really good fic, it's just....mpreg, you know? How is this something I actually enjoyed and have reread several times? Fucken Peterick, I swear.
Okaaaaay that was pretty adorable. I mean mpreg is still a thing I will never fully understand and never really enjoy... but that was pretty fuckin' adorable just the same.
So nobody but Pete knows why Pete calls Patrick Lunchbox? Damn it.
OH. MY. GOD. YOU MOTHERFUCK YOU I THINK MY HEART JUST BROKE and I had this mental image of Patrick singing that to Pete and that should probably never happen ever in the entire history of the world but at the same time my brain is all "LOOK AT THIS ISN'T AMAZING AND TERRIBLE AT THE SAME TIME I THINK YOU SHOULD WRITE ABOUT IT"
I shouldn't even that's just TERRIBLE that's literally just morally wrong.
I know, he is really the world's best/worst drive by smoocher, but it was like... the combination of the smooch with THAT SONG. "It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?" And at THAT MOMENT, you know? And that motherfucker PLANNED it, because he stood there and he WAITED for that line.
Dude Patrick's voice is straight magic. Like a siren. I saw a post on tumblr where someone said if they were in a coma and someone played Phoenix to them, they'd wake up to scream the "HEYYYYYYYYYY YOUNGBLOODS" part. And I was just like "Yep that's about right."
There's this one clip of them (I didn't post it because the audio was terrible) but Pete, like, stalked around Patrick until that line came up. Hold on...
There it is (turn your volume down, trust me on this). Pete, you sly motherfucker.
Exactly! I honestly don't get how people can just not like his voice or just say he's a crap singer. Like....have you listened to Soul Punk? Cork Tree? Folie? TTTYG? IOH? ANYTHING? Patrick, a bad singer? It does not compute.
(Sorry, html is kicking my ass right now, lol)
I can't even understand what's going on in the video but I like the kissing part. Is that during Hum Hallelujah? I could see why Pete would be very near to Patrick's personal space on that song. "Hi, I'm still here, I love you *smooch* everything is okay"
But at the same time like that's why (or how) I could see Patrick singing that to Pete. Almost the same kind of "Hey, I'm glad you're still here, you made it, I love you, you're okay now"
My boyfriend likes to tell me that Patrick is a bad singer, but I think he just likes to get a rise out of me. I don't CARE if you don't like FOB or Soul Punk or whatever (I mean, you're wrong, but you are entitled to your own opinions, I guess) but I mean his voice is good beyond opinion.
Although I will readily admit to being biased
Just a little
It came up when I was looking for a good Mr. Brightside video, so I'm gonna guess that it's that one, but fuck if I know for sure. He used to go up to Patrick for Hum Hallelujah, lean against his back, rub his face against the back of Patrick's neck; this was back in '05, right after IOH came out and they were touring for it. I haven't noticed him doing it for this tour yet, but it's possible we just haven't gotten good enough footage to see it.
I can see that, but I still feel like it would be heart wrenching, you know? Patrick did a q&a back before SRAR came out, when they were still being sneaky bastards and denying that they were recording anything. Anyways, lol, someone asked him what his favorite version of Hallelujah was (which, just why? do you enjoy the idea of making people cry?) and he said Lenard Cohen's because it meant a lot to him. Talk about heart wrenching.
I try to be objective about things, even fannish ones. If someone has a well-thought out opinion and they're like, "this is why..." I can usually see their side of things even if I vehemently disagree with it. But when it comes to Fall Out Boy and Patrick Stump's voice, it never happens. No matter what your argument or reasoning is, Patrick Stump is always going to have the best voice of out generation and that is just the way it is.
God, that is precious. I feel like Pete hasn't been like... ON Patrick as much as he used to be, you know? I mean, it could be what you say, there just isn't the footage of it, but come on. We're not the only fangirls, if Pete and Patrick do ANYTHING, there are fangirls to record it. We would know. It would be on tumblr. But I just feel like... it doesn't happen as often. Maybe Patrick is just too uncomfortable with the Peterick thing... or they're just older now and it isn't cute anymore... I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. (Prove me wrong Pete, by all means.)
Oh I didn't know it was the Leonard Cohen version. I guess I always assumed it was the Jeff Buckley cover, I knew that one was the more popular of all the covers... the Leonard Cohen original is my favorite as well. I'm never going to hear that song the same way now.
And even though it all went wrong, I'll stand before the Lord of Song with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.
Oh sweet lord I am positively brimming with feels right now.
Patrick Stump is always going to have the best voice of our generation and that is just the way it is
These facts are true.
Every time I hear, "Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah" always hit me hard and then coupled with "So, hum 'Hallelujah' just off the key of reason. I thought I loved you but it was just how you looked in the light", it kills me.
I just say the facts like I see them.
Awwwwwwwwww god damn it you guys
I always LOVED that line "I thought I loved you but it's just how you looked in the light" because goddamn. That one and "I sing the blues and I swallow them too" I didn't get that line right away but when I did it like blew my fucking mind.
So... I mean... I shouldn't want to write this thing I want to write... right? I'd go straight to hell. And Patrick would be really disappointed in me.
Then again he'd probably be really disappointed if he saw the porn I wrote the other day. I don't want Patrick to be disappointed in me... even hypothetically... but damn did I enjoy that porn.
Ugh, my muses are such fucktards sometimes.
Yes. And "I love you in the same way there's a chapel in a hospital: one foot in your bedroom and one foot out the door" because for three months after he got out of the hospital, Pete refused to talk to anyone except for his therapist and when Patrick got back from Europe, he went over to Pete's every day and sat outside his bedroom door and passed notes underneath the door for three months. I can't even comprehend that kind of friendship -I like to think I'm a good friend, I try, but that's just unreal. And they've both said that they're even closer now. How is that possible? Do they share the same brain now or what?
I'm torn because I want to egg you on but I feel like it might make me cry to read it.
I don't want Patrick to be disappointed in me... even hypothetically
I really hope he never gets a look at my browser history.
These facts are also true. It just depends on whether or not you're on his bad side. When Pete loves you, he LOVES you. Hell, YOU could be a serial killer and Pete would still love you.
when Patrick got back from Europe, he went over to Pete's every day and sat outside his bedroom door and passed notes underneath the door for three months.
Are you fucking serious. Are you... fucking... I can't. Jesus christ. I've never had a friend like that in my motherfucking life, like, I don't even know what something like that feels like. This is so dumb, but I could almost cry at that.
I'm torn because I want to egg you on but I feel like it might make me cry to read it.
I feel like it might make me cry to write it, so.
Then again I definitely cried at "With The Moon In His Arms" which is probably more embarrassing, when you think about it.
I really hope he never gets a look at my browser history.
Or my hard drive. Or my tumblr account. Or my LJ. Or my bookmarks.
I feel you; it made me tear up when I first heard that and it's one of the reasons Hum Hallelujah strikes me so hard. It's kind of an upbeat song until you know the story behind it and then it beats you until your a crying mess of feelings.
Don't know how true it is, but supposedly the record company wanted to release Hum Hallelujah as a single and the band wouldn't sign off on it. I do know that Pete's said in interviews that the songs that mean the most to him don't get released for radio.
Well, if you write it, you know I'll read it, so that'll be two of us crying, lol.
Then again I definitely cried at "With The Moon In His Arms"
When he got changed back into a mermaidman, and Patrick had to put him back into the lake and then went home and fell apart, right? I think everyone who read that cried.
Just, in general, he should stay away from any of my elctronic devices, including my phone.
Pete's said in interviews that the songs that mean the most to him don't get released for radio.
I was okay when Pete started turning back into a merguy, and I was okay when Patrick took Pete back to the water, and then he left... then Patrick came home and I think he had a pillow that smelled like Pete or something and then I just was like tears, everywhere. And I'm sitting there going "Goddamn it I refuse to cry at a fic where Pete is a merman. This is stupid."
Now I want to read it again. A fic where PETE WENTZ is a goddamned MER-PERSON has NO FUCKING BUSINESS being that good.
I think my phone would be the only thing that I wouldn't worry about Patrick seeing. I might have a couple errant texts in there, but come on man I'm only human.
Yeah, could you imagine the press tours for that? "So, Pete, the new single, GISNASFS, what's that about?" "Funny story, so, I wrote that because I'm in love with my best friend, right?" *camera pans to Patrick who is bright red and trying to hide under his hat* *Pete grins and eyes Patrick up lewdly* "Well, I give him the lyrics and then go home. Guess who shows up at my house and bangs me right then and there? Yeah, turns out Lunchbox was in love with me the whole time, Crazy, right?"
Did you ever read The Right Way Up by the same writer? Like, seriously, I shouldn't like mpreg as much as I do that fic. It's just ridiculous.
My phone has tons of bookmarks, fics actually saved and my wallpaper is a fucken Peterick pic, so yeah, love you Patrick, but stay far away from my phone, at all costs.
Hey, uh... why does he call Patrick Lunchbox? I saw on tumblr that Lunchbox is like slang for penis or something? (Which is also something I could see Pete doing just to make Patrick blush. I can't say I blame him, if I could make Patrick blush at will I'm sure I would too)
I did not read that one. I mean, I guess if I'm going to read an mpreg I'd read hers because if she can make me cry at a MerPete then I guess she knows what she's doing.
Here's the link: http://miserylovedme.livejournal.com/19346.html It's actually a really good fic, it's just....mpreg, you know? How is this something I actually enjoyed and have reread several times? Fucken Peterick, I swear.
So nobody but Pete knows why Pete calls Patrick Lunchbox? Damn it.
Knowing Pete, it's probably a creepy and/or perverted reason.
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