OK, I just got back and here are the promised pics! I did not get to use my previously stated plan, but maybe the next time they come around ehre it won't be right before an ice storm. Grrrr. Stupid weather. Alright, I'm gonna post one or two from the other matches and then ALL of my MMG match pics. I'mma warn you now. they are alot of the MMG ones. If anyone wants to see all the other match pics, let me know and I'll post them. Anyways, here we go, peeps....
<- JB! I love JB, he's such a cutie. He came out and said...well, I wasn't paying too much attention, but it was something along the lines of TNA's glad to be back in Reading.
So, the first match was Robbie E v The Brian Kendrick v KAzarian for the X Division title. I couldn't really get a good pic of Kendricks, but here's the others:
<-Robbie E. I don't really like him, so....
Kendricks spent most of the match on his back, so I couldn't get a good pic of him at all. But here's one of Kaz:
<-Kaz, obviously.
He kept the title after he hit his finisher -which, for the freakin' life of me I can't remember the name of- on Kendricks:
OK, next up was Mickie James v Madision Rayne for the Knockout title. Madison retained by punching Mickie with that loaded glove of hers.
After that was Doug Williams v Abyss for the TV title. Abyss retained after Dougie went for the Chaos Theory and missed and ran into the Black Hole Slam.
AFter that was.....MMG! *cues fangirl squealing* OK, it was a great match. Gen Me v MMG with MMG winning. Some of the pics are blurry 'cause they are fast fuckers, lol. But I'll try to do short summary: Gen Me came out to boos *snickers* and MMG got cheered louder then anyone, including the Heavywieght Champ Anderson. Not just biased, either. It sounded like the roof was gonna was gonna fall off. It went back and forth, with lost of MMG yummy antics. They fucked up Gen Me left and right, then Gen Me hit the ropes when Shelley was going to for the Skull and Bones and he split the ropes. So they beat up Sabin a little and then Shelley and then one of them -I think it was Jeremy, nit that it really matters at this point; got a superkick to the face courtesy of Shelley and they hit the Skull and Bones on the other fucktard. Warning: lots of MMG pics ahead:
<-This pic is #69 on my camera. *snickers*
OK, if anyone even cares about the rest of the show, here's the last two matches:
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero v Samoa Joe. Joe won after he locked in the rear naked choke and Pope tapped.
The last match was JJ v Mr Anderson for the Heavywieght Title w/ Kurt Angle as special guest ref. ANderson retained after Abyss tried to interfere for JJ.
Alright my comp's being 'tarded right now, so I hafta post the pics from that part tomorrow or maybe later tonight depending. Also, it should not take me almost three hours to post this shit. Blame the cat, the phone and my cable company. Fucktards. But here it is; hoped everyone liked. :D Oh, and for anyone who cares, I'm just a little over halfway down with Chapter 8 and a couple other one shots, so it should be up fairly soon.