Recs, version 4.0

Jul 17, 2012 17:54

So, I've got some more recs for you guys. Also, I thought I'd add a rec from my random folder along with the regular fandoms. Enjoy, peeps.

edit: lj cut's not working right now, sorry about that. Now it's working *kicks lj*

I Know This Hurts (It Was Meant To) by dancinbutterfly (Bandom, Pairing: Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump) Summary: He feels like a kinky prince trying to catch up with his CinderDom, with a blindfold in the place of a glass slipper. Why you should read this: This is one of my all time favorite fics; I'm a sucker for a good BDSM fic and this one is completely gorgeous. The characterization is solid all the way through -and not just for Pete and Patrick, but for the other various Bandom guys that pop in here. Even if you're not into Bandom, you should check this out. If you don't like it, I'll eat -I don't know, something disgusting, like butterscotch. Just go read it, guys.

The Incestuous Courtship of the Anti-Christ's Bride by fleshflutter (Supernatural, Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (Wincest)) Summary: In which Team Free decides the way to win the war is to make Sam the Anti-Christ and take control of the Apocalypse. Along the way, Sam sorta tells Lucifer that he's going to take Dean as his Beloved Consort. Why you should read this: It's Wincest at it's absolute best: weird, awkward, believable and still hot once they actually manage to have sex. Cas and Anna are here, along with Uriel and a few demons, too. It manages to be funny as well as endearing and sexy -one of my favorite parts is Cas standing guard outside their hotel room so they can have "private time". Go read it and thank me later.

Let There Be Lips by the_deep_magic (Star Trek: 2009 RPS, Pairing: Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto (Pinto)) Summary: Reboot cast + Rocky Horror = fun for the whole family. Why you should read this: Can you imagine anything better than Pinto and Rocky Horror Picture Show? I didn't think so.

Jared Paladecki and the Pitch Of Destiny by longsufferingly (Supernatural RPS, Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Paladecki (J2)) Summary: Jared was going to hide his dorkiness in college. And than his roommate wanted to join the Quidditch League. Why you should read this: College!AU where Jared and Jensen are completely adorkable and still end up together. Plus, who doesn't love a good game of Quidditch, am I right?

Let The Pheromones Chose The Man by Ywain Penbrydd (Star Trek: 2009, Pairing: Kirk/Spock) Summary: Spock is going through Pon Farr but despite the best efforts of everyone he's offered, the blood fever is getting worse. Sarek and Bones must find a solution -and that solution is...Kirk? Why you should read this: Pon Farr is perhaps the best canon excuse for sexing, EVER. Read the sexy smut and love it.

Wedding Present by brighteyed_jill (Heroes, Pairing: Peter/Claire, Peter/Sylar) Summary: On Peter and Claire's wedding day, Petr gets an unexpected, unwelcome visitor. Why you should read this: The writing is good and I can easily see this as a different side of Sylar. Read the author's warnings first, though. I don't want anyone to get squicked or anything.

Twenty Things James Potter Never Told Anyone About Sirius Black by guns_and_butter (Harry Potter, Pairing: James Potter & Sirius Black) Summary: The title pretty much says it all. Why you should read this: I'm not really into Harry Potter fandom, the canon pisses me off enough, I don't need to add more shit on top of it. But this story is just.... It broke my heart, tbh. It's awesome and bittersweet in that way that Marauder fic should be. Go read it, tear up and remember to blame Rowling for the fact that Sirius is dead.

heroes, recs, star trek: 2009 rps, bandom, star trek: 2009, supernatural, supernatural rps, random: harry potter

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