Just in case anyone's curious, I started doing these a few days ago but lj fucken ate the first draft of it and than it wouldn't post anything for me, so here's the new draft -hope you like it, peeps.
The Law Of Unintended Consequences by
escherzo and
mwestbelle (Bandom (My Chemical Romance), Pairing: Waycest (Gerard Way/Mikey Way)) Summary: Once Gerard takes up reading fantasy novels out loud in his bunk, there is no longer quiet on the bus. Ever. Why you should read this: Waycest is my second favorite Bandom pairing (not very surprising, is it?) and this is a great example of how good it is when it's written right. Extremely realistic and fucken smoking on top of it.
The Promises We Make by
Milarca_Mouse (Supernatural, Pairing: Dean/Sam/Cas (what the hell would the name for that be anyway?) Summary: Chronicling the BDSM relationship of Dean, Sam and Cas. Why you should read this: Did you not see the summary? Dom!Dean. Sub!Sam. Semi-clueless!Cas. Go read it now.
Red Shift by
jane_potter (Star Trek: 2009, Pairing: Kirk/Spock) Summary: Even on alien planets where it's socially acceptable, Spock doesn't do well with public nudity, particularly when it involves his mate. Fortunately for Jim, this usually leads to possessive wall sex. Why you should read this: You know what's better than smut? Well written smut. You know what's better than well written smut? Smut with great characterization. You know what you have when you find well written smut with great characterization? Fucken nirvana (and not the crappy grunge band, either -the good one). Don't believe me? Read it for yourself and find out.
Threat Grin by
htebazytook (Heroes/Dexter, Pairing: Sylar/Dexter) Summary: What happens when everyone's two favorite serial killers meet? Why you should read this: Sylar. Dexter. Sylar and Dexter sexing it up. Seriously, it's the pairing I always wanted and never realized until I found this. Read this if you're a Heroes fan. Or if you're a Dexter fan. Or if you're just a fan of hot sex between two very fucked up guys.
Suave Sesquipedalian Bastard by
blcwriter (Star Trek: 2009 RPS, Pairing: Pinto (Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto)) Summary: Chris is trapped in an inferno of words and Zach Quinto is the devil stoking the fire. Why you should read this: There's a lot I've had to accept about myself over the years and the fact that I have a word/vocab!kink is the least disturbing -trust me on this. This fic is fucken brilliant and feeds my word/vocab!kink beautifully. Go read if you're similarly inclined to look at big words that way -or, you know, if you're a Virgo.
September by
dragonspell (Supernatural RPS, Pairing: J2 (Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki)) Summary: Fall was Jensen's least favorite time of year. Why you should read this: Sexy as fuck knotting!fic. What can I say -J2 is fucken filled with knotting!fic and this one is one of the best. A little bit of an interesting twist on the usual, htough, so definitely check it out.