Sep 09, 2002 10:41
KiTTayKaT713: i know yer at school but i stayed home today, rick answered the phone and i was like oh im sorry did i wake u and he was like no its ok and we were talking for a few seconds, then he was like....who is this and i was like katie and he goes oh i thought it was chelsea..........
Auto response from FirekastDR: I'm at school, yo. Get back to me later.
KiTTayKaT713: so i like....started bawling cuz that made me feel like shit like...majorly
KiTTayKaT713: and he was like umm whats wrong, and i said to just forget it and that i had to go, and he was like wait, no katie dont go, im awake now talk to me...and i was like ricky i cant talk to u nemore tonight
KiTTayKaT713: and he was like wel ill talk to u at school and i was like no u wont, u never do so tomorrow wont be ne different and he was like yes it will ill make it change, and i was like well i might not even go, if u didnt notice im really sick and he was like umm ok,and i was like yeah ricky, have sweet dreams
KiTTayKaT713: i had the worst dream in the world after that too
KiTTayKaT713: that chelsea called me all gitty and was like omg do me a favor, on yer cell phone progam these numbers so i did, trying to handle her gittiness seems how i dont think i could ever look at her again w/o throwing up.......BLEH....and then i go wait wtf, y r u making me do this
KiTTayKaT713: and she goes i need to borrow yer cell phone, rick is going outta town and he wants to talk to me almost the whole time he's gone so i said that id find a way, and he said just to use yer cell cuz yer all like stupid and a push over and stuff....but then i beat her it was ok...
KiTTayKaT713: oh, and before she told me to do all that stuff to my cell phone she was like yeah omg rick asked me to homecomming and stuff and that they were "goin out" now
KiTTayKaT713: ..totally depressing
KiTTayKaT713: ...ya know what, seems how i can never find shit to write in my ljournal ne gonna use that shit....
KiTTayKaT713: heh