Soon to be stress free?

Jul 18, 2006 12:41

Well I got a call from an apt complex today. They were looking for my brother. Of course he was asleep. So I as the "mother" person of the house took the call. HEHEH (i know i shouldnt have) Well, they were approved for an apt and the lease is ready to sign. Move in is set for July 20th. YAY they will be out on my wedding anniversary! I'm so happy. I don't think this will eliminate all my stress. I do however think it will help out tremendously.

I have been going crazy with them here. (crazier than i already am) With the no help from them on bills and cleaning and such everything was falling on my shoulders. (And Roberts of course)I finally got a lil money out of them for mays bills. Now I gotta try to get another 400 outta them for junes bills. I doubt its going to happen but its worth a shot!

So heres my dillema now! If I don't get a job, we can't afford the house alone. My older brother Jeff has agreed to pay half the rent for us until
A:I find a job
B:I find a roommate!

now Option A is plausible but I'm unqualified for a lot. Cuz Im retarded and didn't stay in school! And Ive been without a job for going on 2 years now. So, I was looking into it and to get a job that I can start quickly, the most I will be paid is 9 dollars. And thats at convergy's, HEB or Maybe Academy. grrr......

Option B would be great cuz then I wouldn't have to inconvienence my older brother into having to pay rent for a house he isn't even living in. AND We wont have to pay it all ourselves either. But there are few people that I trust to have around my children. I've always been very worried (and for good personal reasons) about my children being taken advantage of while I'm not around. So the list of people I'm willing to let live here is very small. I do hope things work out in this area for us.

And then i gotta take into consideration that there are house bills as well. now that I have control of the A/C again it will be turned OFF. Thus saving us on our electric bill. But still I'm banking bills will still be roughly 800 a month. So you add the rent 975 and the bills 800.....not including groceries and gas and other expenses....thats 1775 just for the house and bills alone. Yea like we can afford that on our own! OK so we could but nothing else!

So the stress isn't completely gone. When is it ever? But I do know that my relationship with my lil bro was just saved by him moving out. Cuz I think I would have killed him otherwise! and I know that having a roommate will come with its own set of issues, but as long as I am being respected and im not being used I think I can deal with the issues as they arise.

stress, family, money

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