much boredness

Jun 30, 2005 18:49

so im very bored today we were supposed to go to the fireworks but i guess not i got in a fight with my mom and called her a bitch then apologized like 5 mins ago so i could sleep tonight without having to worry about death threats ya ya so yea

Do you wear black eyeliner?: yes
How much black clothing do you own? a lot ive been told so mellissa made me buy colors lol
Do you think about death often?: Yes
Do you want to die?: not right now
Are you a social outcast?: No i have some friends :)
Are you pale?: not anymore
Do you like Hot Topic?: YES i would work there if i could get hired but i have no facial piercings and my hair is a natrual color

Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: somewhat
How often do you go into Vans?: i thought they were sneakers is ita store too cause if it is there is not oen around im confused lol
What's your sneaker brand?: adios, chucks, and etnies
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: all teh fucking time
Are the long skater cuts hot?: on guys yes
How much do you get in trouble?: alot
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"?: i dont think so ?

How often do you say the word "like"?: unless im comparing 2 things never
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: ive actaulyl only been in there one time i think witha friend who ahd to return something wow
How many purses (bags) do u own?: an ass load
Is lip gloss a must?: no but chapstick is
How often do you wear makeup?: prety much anytime i go out
Ever had a manicure?: yes
Rock music is bad, right?: fuck no
Do you own high heels?: Yes prom shoes are the only ones i think ihave
Have you ever said "OH MY GOSH"- yes
Are you a cheerleader?: no

Is your hair long?: yes im a girl
Are you a vegetarian?: yes
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: no
Do you want peace?: sure why not
Do you want to save the animals?: not particularly
What do you think about the war?: it sux and so does bush

Are you from the ghetto?: hmm is shelton the ghetto let me think um no
Do you own "bling bling"?: yea i do
Do you like rap?: cant spell crap w/o rap
How about hip-hop?: no
Is Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: do i care not really
What do you think about afros?:only napolean should rock one
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: yes but im to white so it makes people laugh at me lol
How about 'oh, snap son'?: cut of the son

Is life a party?: umm sure
How often do you get drunk?: when its needed
What's the point of getting drunk anyway?: to do stupid funny things u dont do when ur sober
Do you care about your grades?: yes
Do you need an attitude adjustment?: ha ha probbly
How far have you been?: 1st

How often do you cry? never
Do you have an ex?: yes
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: yes but i cant play it
Are you emotional?: no
Do you like soft music?: some
Do people understand you?: no
Do you write your own songs?: yes

Do you play any sports?: Yes
How important are they to you?: eh
How important is your reputation?: not very
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: No
What do you think about football?: i dot get it at all excet its good when u get a touchdown
Are you considered a bully by anyone?: probbly my brother

Do you wear glasses?: no
Do you get good grades?: sorta
Are you smart?: Sure
Do you use an inhaler?: no lol
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: no lol
Does your mom buy your clothes?: o god no
Do you get picked on?: by my friends those bitches lol
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