i'm really bored right now so i've been taking a lot of little quizes... about 1/2 of them actually made it up here:
So... what's on TV tonight?
If you were a room in a house, what room would you be? Introverted (I) 55.88% Extroverted (E) 44.12%
Sensing (S) 60.53% Intuitive (N) 39.47%
Thinking (T) 52.94% Feeling (F) 47.06%
Judging (J) 58.82% Perceiving (P) 41.18%
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test Cassandra is the #269 most common female name.
0.072% of females in the US are named Cassandra.
Around 91800 US females are named Cassandra!
namestatistics.com Hirsch is the #2199 most common last name.
0.006% of last names in the US are Hirsch.
Around 15000 US last names are Hirsch!