
May 20, 2008 17:00

So on my way home from work today, there was some middle-aged dude driving some kind of Toyota convertible, white and pristine, in the manner of a vehicular asshat. Instead of staying in the lane, whenever a car drove past in the opposite direction, he swerved way the hell over so that he was straddling the line on the side of the road, at time almost completely driving on the shoulder. When driving past a car parked on the same side of the road, he swerved way the hell into the oncoming lane. And we're not talking for a brief time here. We're talking from about five seconds before the passing of said cars to about five seconds after. There was a point where he had to drive past a parked car at the same time as cars were coming in the other lane, at which point he began to swerve into the oncoming lane and then thought better of it. Plus, he was driving about 53 mph the whole way.

If you lack the confidence to drive safely, or are unable to drive safely, without worry of hitting stationary vehicles or vehicles coming at you in their own lane, then you shouldn't be on the road. If your unnecessary swerving is to avoid unlikely damage to your vehicle, then perhaps you should buy a vehicle that is less of a vanity badge.

Otherwise you will be passed and honked at and otherwise considered, by the rest of us, an asshat.
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