love life????? hmm - prolly not lol

Jan 28, 2007 09:57

The first step is to identify and amplify your strengths ... and then eliminate patterns that could be keeping you from enjoying close relationships.

- well goodness....if i could do that i wouldnt have any problems at all lol

Single or partnered, we all have intense feelings around self-worth and relationships ... which affect how we relate to others and can bring us to a crisis point. According to master astrologer, Jeff Jawer, this is a good time to face what you are not getting, and what you are profoundly hungry for. Jeff says, "Now is the time to get serious about what you're missing in order to motivate yourself to make the changes necessary to start getting it."

- so todays horoscope is actually pretty good, now what do i do tho - ugggh

When activated, Pluto can change your life ... letting the old crumble and replacing it with the new. Since Pluto is currently being stimulated by our beloved Love Goddess, changes could be brewing in your romantic life

- didnt know i actually had one but okay! good lord.

~ Just when you think you know what you want in life, fate takes a challenging step in. ~

thats my story and it's complicated damnit. nothings even happened yet and i'm already worried about what could. but it's liek choosing between two completely different worlds. And there's a lot of downfalls to both. but i gotta get out of here. just goin to my sisters last night for dinner - she had both the kids, Andrew who would barely stop cryin for like 5 minutes cuz hes collicky (sp?) and alyssa whos fightin for attention - and my sister whos workin to get dinner done - and john...whos sittin in the livin room watchin t.v.

- i'm not havin that life. john fed the baby and we started eatin, when andrew was done john came in the kitchen and put him in his bouncy seat. and then decided to start gettin alyssa all riled up about something or another - made a comment about my sister always addin sugar to food (spaghetti sauce, lasanga etc - cuz thats how my mom makes it) then after dinner, cleared his plate and went and sat back down in front of the t.v. - meanwhile my sisters clearin the table, puttin it away, doing the dishes, tryin to get alyssa to finish eatin, and then has to get both the kids ready to leave. she was takin alyssa to the W to go swimmin and andrew was goin to john's moms. and john just sat there watchin t.v.

fuck no is that gonna be my life - i CAN'T be little miss fuckin susie homemaker. first off i'd kill my husband if he sat on his ass like that. he's have a shotgun up his ass so fast he wouldnt know what to do about it.

if you can see it kinda really pissed me off. but work didnt help at all last night either. the sewer backed up so there was water comin out of the floor drains everywhere - bathrooms and behind the bar - this guy was bein an asshole to everybody and i thought fatty was gonna kill him - then mandy (a bartender from jacks), her husband (who once said he'd buy me a car cuz his family is loaded - like i care jerk) and russ's little brother (who barely talked and was kinda creepy) - who are in the bar prolly 6 days a week anyways - made me stay till 2:30 - and it was just the three of them - they were drunk before they got there too.

~ but me and whit and steven are goin snowmobilin out to northland to knotty pine so that should hopefully put me in a better mood. i like goin fast :-D
~ other then bitchin :) (hehe) it's been goin pretty good lately - i've actually been startin to save money, lose weight ( YAY), and work's goin decent. haven't seen jack in like 3 weeks tho lol - me and jess have been havin a frickin riot hangin out- cuz usually one of is in a bad mood and we just get stupid and just laugh - and that feels so good. plus our weekend breakfasts at jerrys are usually just a pee-your-pants laugh fest.

well - thats about all she wrote for now :)

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