Jun 12, 2005 00:32
hello.........at pollys now........sleeping over....here with jack, lyan, ariel, and token (sp??)....but w/e....today was fun....got to spend time with beca (again.....tell me how to spell it pweez.....) and it was nice to see her....and ian, eric..horus...sorry.....and tj were there........(tool).......and such........and we were at the greenery just hanging out..then we walked to pollys......and she forgot her keys at my house.........so lets just say....pain in the ASS.....so yea....when we got in....we went in the pool....and then we ate a bunch of food.....then we saw chris rock: never scared again.........for the 3rd time....then we went outside and just hung out..... and such.......and there was a cockroach........im terrified of them........i hate em so effing much......and then we came in and and and were listening to the doors now..........
BORED AND ALONE (in a room full of people)..........
much love