
Oct 26, 2009 12:00

Just a quick post to let everyone know I'm still alive!  I've been reading when I can, sorry I haven't been commenting. 
Life has been beyond crazy lately.  I'm trying to work full-time, go to school full-time and manage my time with my husband and my three boys.  Gets kinda crazy.   A little over a month ago we were informed my mother in law only had a few months to live.  She has COPD and is in the very end stages of this.  She's been in and out of the hospital.  End of last week they last her three times in the route to the hospital.  She is now on a venillator, and now has H1N1 and a phenomnia.  At first we weren't allowed to even go in, however they are ltting us go in wearing gowns, masks, and gloves now.  So we don't anticipate it being long, the venilator is what's keeping her alive and according to her paperwork she didn't even want that.  So right now life sucks.  I took a day off to myself to try and get some rest, and get some homework done.  
Hope everyone is doing well!



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