Jul 22, 2009 22:49

My former co-worker was diagnosed with cancer almost two months ago.  She had been having headaches for years.  But they were always diagnosed with migranes.  They found tumors throughout her brain.  But it was too late... It had spread all over her body. 
Early 40's....  Two boys and one grandchild left behind.

I really wish they just had a test you took nowadays.  More and more people I know are getting diagnosed and they're not catching it early, it's always in the last stage...

I'm in a state of denial.  I still hadn't grasped the fact she had cancer.  It had only been two months.  Her hair was only gone a month, and I get the phone call she's gone.

We all figured we'd have more time to get together, talk.  Now I regret all the things I only wish I had said.  But like I said I was in denial, I never in a million years thought she'd be gone this soon.  Now I'll never get to say things I planned on telling her.  She didn't want us to feel bad for her or cry or get all mushy.  So I was strong and didn't.  Now I only wish I had said all those things.

This happened with my grandma too, life took both of them to fast.

She loved to drink wine, so in honor of her I'm drinking wine.  At least that'll help me numb things a bit.  


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