Grey's Anatomy Meme I stole from Paper Flowers

Sep 15, 2008 14:25

Favorite Ship(s):SERIOUSLY! Mer/Der of course
Favorite Character(s):Meredith, and I will defend her to the end!
Least Favorite Character(s)Well if you can count this as one, but Rose
Favorite Episode(s):Hmm S4 Finale, and Losing my Religion (S2 Finale)
Favorite Quote(s):SERIOUSLY! and We screw boys like whores on tequila, then we either try to marry them or drown ourselves
Favorite moment? The end of S4 Finale, the candle print
Shonda's biggest fuck-up: S3 Finale
Other Fandoms? Nothing really MerDer all the way!
Your other interests.Shopping, Walking, Hanging out, Drinking Wine, IPOD
Journal Type Personal
Any special qualities you're looking for? Just some things in common


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