Stolen Meme

Jul 30, 2008 20:25

[1.] Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you kissed?

At a party

[2.] What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?

A Glass of wine, haha

[3.] How many TRUE best friends do you have?

Hmm, 3

[4.] Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
Sleep in.  Obviously.

[5.] Tell me where you got each article of clothing you’re wearing?

My Black Tank, Limited, and My Lounge Pants Hollister and if you want to get really technical my bra and panties Victoria Secrets

[6.] What's the closest thing to you that is brown?

My Eyes

[7.] What would you change about your life right now?

To Long of a List.......

[8.] Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?

Smile over A Lie

[9.] What's on your bedroom floor right now?


[10.] Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
My oldest Son

[11.] Do you trust people?

Not all people, but some people

[12.] If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?


[13.] Have you ever been out of the country?

[14.] Could you go a day without eating?

Haha, hell no.

[15.] How much do looks matter to you?

Some, I think more then I like to admit

[17.] When was the last time you had your hair cut?

A few weeks ago

[18.] Would you rather be mad or sad?


[19.] Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Nope. I cry over TV shows. It’s pretty pathetic.  :P

[20.] Whats the best feeling in the world?

Kisses from my boys

[21.] Are you close with your mom?

Sadly, no

[22.] Are your parents strict?
not really

[23.] Do you tell your parents everything?

[25.] Name one fear you have.

[26.] If you need to go to the store a block away, do you walk or drive?

Ha Drive

27.] Does the thought of marriage scare you?

It used to, but obviously I"m happily married so not anymore

[28.] How many kids do you want?

It always used to be two, but we have three and I couldn't be happier

[29.] What's your favorite color to wear?

Black or Red

[30.] Who was the last person in your bedroom besides you?

Husband, Jeremy

[31.] What are you doing today?

Taking the boys to swimming lessons, sitting in the sun, chasing my kids

[32.] Would you rather be rich & sad or poor & happy?

Poor and happy.

[33.] Do you work out?

No, but I should.

[34.] What would you do if you found a dinosaur egg?

No idea…

[35.] Do you get bored easily?

[36.] What's something that someone can do that really bothers you?


[37.] Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger?


[38.] Do you wish you were famous?


[39.] Do you make a wish at 11:11?

[40.] When you're at the beach, do you swim or lay out more?

Depends if I"m with friends we lay out in the water or on our towels,with kids swim of course

[41.] Who's the last text message you received from and what did it say?

It takes me an hour to text someone back but I recieve them all the time.  It was from Jill asking me to have a jewlery party... UH

[42.] What are you freakishly obsessed with?

Grey’s Anatomy, more importantly Mer/Der

[43.] What's your favorite song at the moment?

Keep me Warm by Ida Maria

[44.] Do you like going to the mall to shop or just shopping online?

Thats hard to answer cuz I love to shop but probably mall

[45.] Can music affect your mood?


[46.] When did you last see your best friend?

a few months ago, she lives in Minnesota

[47.] What tattoos do you want?


[48.] Have you ever been in a cave?


[49.] Ever eaten a bug?
I hope not

[50.] What are you excited for?
To break ground on our house and of course Sept 25


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