Silent Hill 2 screenplay.

Aug 07, 2010 17:55

I've had this amazing vision in my head of a fan-made movie of Silent Hill 2. I have a scene in my head I just can't get out ... it wasn't in the actual game, but I believe it's hinted that James at least visited Heaven's Night at some point during his vacation there. I'm going to attempt a fresh screenplay of it from the top of my head.

This is the song I envision playing when I cue the music to start. ("Sway" by Anita Kelsey / Dark City OST) So if you could, maybe play it in the background when the scene starts to get where I'm going with it?


JAMES SUNDERLAND enters through back door to a largely, dimly lit club full of life. Music playing, people chatting and drinking at tables.

JAMES glances to an empty stage then finds a seat at an empty table. A WAITRESS comes over cheerfully.

Can I get you a drink or anything, sweetie?

JAMES fidgets with himself, out of place with his surroundings.

Oh, no. No thank you.

Oh, come on. You look tired, I'll be right back with something to pep you up.

I --

Before he can say anything the WAITRESS is gone.

All of a sudden the club is darkened and the stage is lit. JAMES looks around to see mostly men with their eyes glued to the stage. A CAT CALL is heard faintly in the back. The WAITRESS swifts by JAMES' table and leaves a BLOODY MARY cocktail. JAMES takes an occasional sip. Soon an ANNOUNCER is heard.

ANNOUNCER (VOICE; off stage)
Thank you all for coming here tonight. And now, we're proud to present: Heaven's Night's own angel. Please welcome Lady Maria, along with Natalie and Cynthia!

Loud clapping and cheering comes from the crowd. COLORED LIGHTS from above give color to the darkened club. CUE MUSIC ("Sway") Three scantily clad women appear on stage. The middle one BLONDE with PINK TIPS, who is MARIA. And the other two a RED-HEAD and BRUNETTE. Each has a small microphone around their heads to sing into. They dance sexily towards their poles.

Eventually MARIA catches sight of JAMES. Her expression shows she has a sudden feeling that she knows him, but she quickly switches to a sexy smile. JAMES is watching the show wide-eyed with attention, slightly hunched over in his shy shell. JAMES accidentally spills some of his drink onto him and grabs a napkin and begins to wipe it off, taking no notice of the stage.

With the others still dancing, MARIA leaves the stage and makes her way to JAMES, still singing her lines. JAMES looks up quickly, nervous to see her in front of him. He feels all eyes on him.

(Part in song with no words) MARIA goes around and wraps her arms around him from behind, and begins a series of sensual movements and acts. Lots of touching and heat from movement. JAMES seems exhausted, but afraid to touch her.

MARIA (Seductively)
Don't I know you?

I ... I'm not sure.

MARIA comes closer, and the two KISS. But JAMES, as he starts to enjoy it, remembers who his loyalty lies with, and pulls away. JAMES looks down in frustration, his head buried in his arms, MARIA still in front of him. MUSIC SLOWLY ENDS.

JAMES lifts his head a little bit, after a sudden realization.

JAMES (Softly)

JAMES looks up, and Heaven's Night is empty and abandoned in looks. All music has gone silent. JAMES gets up abruptly, then calmly takes out the CARD he found earlier from his pocket with his handwriting: ROSEWATER PARK. JAMES goes to the front door, taking one last look behind him, and leaves.

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