Night Play Book Discussion

Sep 08, 2007 01:04

Here it is, the Night Play book discussion. Again if you are going to mention something from a book that we haven't discussed yet, please put "Spoiler Warning" on the subject line of your comment. Thanks!

My thoughts on Night Play:
Night Play is another of my favorites in the Dark Hunter series. I mean, who wouldn't want a gorgeous man with green eyes who just happens to be a wolf? Vane and his brother Fang first made their appearance in Night Embrace and to be honest I liked Fang better. He was funny while Vane seemed sort of stiff and well, boring. When I read this book I found out that Vane had many sides to him but hid them under a layer of stoic brutality. Of course, it's best to remember that he is a killer and not a cuddly puppy. Vane has been suffering for so long because of the history of his parents and the secret he carries with him. Added to his pain, Fang is in a coma from the same Daimon attack that killed their sister Anya.

It's while Vane is walking through New Orleans that he sees a familar face, Bride McTierney. Now if you remember, Vane first saw Bride while guarding Sunshine Runningwolf in Night Embrace and he had a rather peculiar reaction to her, he looked at her like she was a piece of steak and he was starving. It was kinda cute in a stalkerish sort of way don't you think?

I loved the scene where Ash and Simi are babysitting Marissa, Kyrian and Amanda's daughter. It shows a more tender side of Ash that hadn't been seen before. Up until now I knew he was a good guy deep down inside and that he can't stand to hear a baby crying (I wonder why), but to actually imagine the mighty Acheron playing dolls with a little girl is absolutely adorable.

We also get to meet another of Vane's siblings, Fury. He's like the psychotic killer version of Fang. He has no social skills (obviously since he scares the crap out of Bride when she first meets him), and can't shift without winding up naked, which I find giggle worthy. I thought Fury kind of eased the emptiness left behind by Fang, he's got the same twisted humor really, after you get over the psychotic killer part.

Did anyone else find Kyrian and Tabitha's arguing hilarious? I mean, you'd think Kyrian would have gotten over Tabitha trying to kill him already huh? I mean, in her line of work you can't exactly stop and ask questions first can you?

"Why not just buzz the house?" Bride asked.

"Because Kyrian can be a dickhead about letting me in sometimes."

Bride frowned. "Why?"

"I tried to kill him once and he hasn't gotten over it. I swear, that man can hold a grudge like nobody's business."

Then a few moments later...

A gorgeous blond man entered the room from the hallway to the right and cursed the instant he saw Tabitha in the foyer.

"Love you, too Kyr," Tabitha said with an open, friendly smile.

He took a deep breath that said he would need patience to deal with Tabitha. "Kill any vampires lately?" he asked.

"Apparently not, you're still breathing, huh?" Tabitha clucked her tongue at Amanda. "When's Geritol here gonna drop dead from old age, anyway?"

It must have been totally frustrating for Amanda to put up with those two whenever they were in the same room. I especially liked the part where Tabitha says Kyrian has a receeding hairline and he freaks out.

Night Play also reveals the odd friendship between Tabitha and Acheron. Movie buddies? Who would have thought Ash would let his guard down enough to go to the movies, especially with someone as... Animated as Tabitha? Not only that but while everyone keeps a certain distance with Ash, Tabitha talks to him like if nothing, nagging him for the winning lotto numbers and then lightly teasing him.

Let's not forget the appearance of Valerius yet again. He's featured a bit more in this story as Vane, Bride and Fury take refuge inside his home. If you paid attention, you'll get a glimpse of who Valerius truly is, instead of the cold, callous, evil bastard that everyone percieves him to be:

"I asked them for an Italian Squire, not an eye-talian."

Just that line alone made me have second thoughts about Valerius. My opinion was that he was a typical Roman, bloodthirsty and snotty and that when he met his heroine she was going to open up his eyes, but after reading that single line I discovered that Valerius isn't what he appears, and that what people say to and about him, does effect him.

Ah, another one of my favorites is when Bride takes Vane and Fury to her parents' house so that she could introduce them. The whole event had so many surprises, from Vane and Fury's understanding of the dog Cujo, to the revealation that Bride's father, the "Neuter King" knows who and what Vane is. By the way, does anyone think that Bride's sister Deirdre may be Fury's mate? I mean Ash did mention that the deal that Bryani made with the demon was fulfilled because all her sons had already met their mates, they just didn't know it yet.

Oh and how funny is it that whenever Ash enters Sanctuary they play Sweet Home Alabama to warn the customers?

Anyway, what did you all like/dislike about this story? And who's excited about discussing Valerius' story next?

Please don't hesitate to comment on older discussions that you've missed!
Fantasy Lover
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Night Pleasures
Night Embrace
Dance with the Devil
Kiss of the Night

book discussion: dark hunter series

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