Well, it might be a good thing, or a bad thing, it's all in the mind of the reader

Nov 04, 2004 20:21

bush won the election, and in my personal opinion it is a good and a bad thing. i think that the fact taht we have the same president for the iraqi incident is a good thing, cause if kerry had become pres, we would have ANOTHER vietnam, we'd have a policy change halfway through the conflict and that would send us way down the hell hole we've prepared for ourselves. on the other side i looked at the maps, and it is scary as hell to see how many conservatives are in this country, i mean hsiow if that many people are conervatives, then that would explain alot of our education problems, which are also inherrantly a result OF our education system. i love double edged swords. onto other things, if anyone in any position of power had any sense, they'd stage a rebellion now, over half our armed forces are overseas(actually nearly all of it is, or at least the parts that'd make much difference), so it's the best time to hit the government and take control, there'd be very little serious resitance until the overseas got back, and then the rest of the world might just decide to fuck america over and have enough sense to shut this place up.

just the ramblings of a revolutionary without anything to do at the moment.
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