Aug 27, 2006 18:34
Guess how long it took after posting my last entry to finish watching Season 3 of Stargate. Read down for the answer;
Three days. I have too much spare time! In the rest of that spare time, I failed to get my arse down to Smiths to pick up season 4 (which funnily enough sells in the Epsom store for £50) and managed to start picking up City of Heroes again. Hurrah.
Generally, I haven't had much to do. I need a full time job really and I can't stand working in that damned supermarket longer than I need to. Yesterday I spent hours doing nothing on the front door again. Today, same old repetitive robot-mode on the tills. They should just replace us with robots saying "HOW-MAY-I-SERVE-YOU-FLESHED-ONE". That would be insane and funny to see. Aggravate it and it performs open brain surgery on you with the checkout laser scanner. Buahahaha!
Well, enough random gibberish - for the moment. A friend stayed round my place last week, that was good fun. He woke up the next day to my cat trying to take over his bed by pushing him off and clawing at him. The cat won, hehehe. I swear the little ginger bastard is only half-domesticated, but since he inherited us when moving in (no you didn't read that wrong) we don't actually know his life with the old house owners. But he is a lovable trouble maker.
Also I have developed a taste for psychadelic trance. I love the stuff, pounding beats and strange sounds and coupled with metal in remixes it is great music, if a little chav-ish at times.
Anyway, thats enough for now. Hopefully I'll find reason to update with something that isn't gaming related in the week. Probably on a Sunday again, catch you about!