What’s your name? Stephen
What character(s) do you play? Vincent Valentine -
dark_turk Minami Itsuki(Ikki) -
sky_too_high Dunno if I want another yet.
How long have you been in Paixao? For a damn long time it seems. Around January last year I believe.
How did you find Paixao/why did you join it? It's been so long I really don't even remember, haha!
Where can we find you? (AIM, LJ, etc…) Aim: wankstta,
snoogansx How old are you? 18
Gender? Supermanly man.
Where do you live? Near Boston, like 20 minutes outside in the all-white suburbs.
Where do you work/go to school? Currently in High School, but planning on going to Northeastern University.
What is your favorite…
Animal? Hedgehogs, cats, welsh corgi's.
Book? Harry Potter, Stephen King's books, Animorphs
Color? Green, my town's colors! :D
Drink? Banana ice cream and mountain dew float. And Aruba Jam Sprite.
Comic/manga? Air Gear, One Piece.
Foods? I love any food that is salty. Soy sauce, ramen, chips, shit like that.
Movie? The Matrix's, One Piece Movies, Star Wars, Ghostbusters
Music? I listen to everything except country and classic. Fav bands are Motion City Soundtrack, Death Cab For Cutie, and Bloc Party.
Show/anime? One Piece<33333333 Air Gear, Anything on Adult Swim
Video game? KH2, FFVII, Counter-strike, WORLD OF WARCRAFT<3 DDR
When and how did you get into roleplaying?
At least 100 years ago I started RPing on AOL chatrooms, dumb things like Digimon, Final Fantasy, Medieval OC's and stuff like that. Then, when I lost AOL I had to find a new place to RP and found Livejournal.
What are your other hobbies? Videogames, Volleyball, Girls.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, who (a character from Paixao) would you want with you? I'd take someone sexable, like Linali or Kairi.
Who would you want to kill? Akira, because apprently he didn't learn his lesson when Ikki and Agito fucked his team up.
…I need more passion than you know? Hell no, I need more passion in my pants.