Aug 09, 2005 04:25
"Why! Why damnit why!", she cried as she pounded on his chest, "Why do you have to go and fight, why do you have to leave me?", she looked with her tear strikin face into his soft kind eyes, "Why....."
He smiled and pulled her close and let her cry into his chest then spoke with a deep calm, and gental voice, "It's the only way. It's the only time. Only when i fight do i feel complet and content. When i fight I feel as if I'm forging a way for those who can't fight and need a path. When I fight i can feel my ansestory blood flow through me, the blood of a pure Titan. You know this and thats why I ask you to belive in me." He lifted her chin so she may look at him directly, "Even if I don't go they will come. The enemy will come and hurt all those I love," he looked deep into her eyes, "I would never let any harm come to you as long as I live."
"Then let me come with you! I will be safe with you and happy!" she creid to him griping his hand, "Let me come with you my love, I am Titan too, i can fight!"
"No my dear one, you can't. I know you can fight as good as any worrior but i, no we can't risk it." He smiled and put a their hands on her belly. "You bear my only son my love. I will not allow me or you or any force, weather it be holy or dark, i will not allow my chiled to be harmed! You will stay and be healthy and happy, I will go and fight and be strong and fearless. And in our actions our baby will feel thes emotions and he to will be born with them, and stong they will be." He pulled her close again, "I wish i didn't have to go, but the worst needs the best to stop it. I can't promis my return but i can promis this! I will have no harm come to you or our chiled, in death or in life, I will protect you and our young one."
She huged him dearly,"Don't say such things. You will return and you'll be here to rais our baby and train, teach and guid are little bundle of life in the ways of our people." She looked into his deep dark brown eyes, "Promis you'll return to me my love!"
He only smiled, bent down, and kissed her softly and held her close, "Be happy my love, I'll always been in your heart, and you in mine."